A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)
Virology, more than any other narrative of The $cience, has shaped our current world, and will continue to do so until a critical mass is reached to question and topple it.
The Virus Psy-Op – Why It Exists and Where They’re Going With It
The viral theory of disease causation falls with the loudest thud possible into this category of false and unfounded religious level belief, on every level imaginable.
Avian Flu: Everything Old is New Again
Let’s try to retain some healthy skepticism as things go FLUBAR all over again (FLU Bullshit Alarmist Reports). And when possible, with a bit of humour added to lift our sagging spirits….
More Conspiratoons: A Look Back
Further fun stuff from a past decade of darkness, deception and dumbassery.
Harris Voters May Need to Cut Off Friends and Family Members
Mr. Turley does not believe that further separation or isolation will help this country or these individuals.
There Was No “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”
A note on Jimmy Kimmel, Howard Stern, Joe Biden, Stephen Colbert, and others.
The Surprising Link between Squirrels and the Founding Fathers
A pet squirrel craze swept colonial America. Everyone who was anyone, including the founding fathers, had a pet squirrel or was friends with someone who did.
America at the End of Its Tether
Many voters, feeling disillusioned, are searching in vain for narratives that resonate with their experiences.