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How Public Health, Not Vaccines, Ended the Measles Mortality Crisis
The No Virus position has profound implications for public health policy. If viruses don’t exist as transmissible entities, then lockdowns, mask mandates, and other pandemic measures would be unjustified.
“You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
Preparing for what?
Virology, more than any other narrative of The $cience, has shaped our current world, and will continue to do so until a critical mass is reached to question and topple it.
The viral theory of disease causation falls with the loudest thud possible into this category of false and unfounded religious level belief, on every level imaginable.
Let’s try to retain some healthy skepticism as things go FLUBAR all over again (FLU Bullshit Alarmist Reports). And when possible, with a bit of humour added to lift our sagging spirits….
Further fun stuff from a past decade of darkness, deception and dumbassery.