Frankengreens are Coming

Frankengreens are Coming

How tinkering with plant genetics could lead to devastating human health and ecological consequences as genetic engineers eliminate plants’ ability to cry for help. Action Alert.

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Re-assessing positions

Re-assessing positions

Being able to think freely and to not have to self censor because of the fear of disagreement or giving ‘offence’ is actually very liberating!

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How Political Theater Helps the Deep State Stay in Power

How Political Theater Helps the Deep State Stay in Power

This endless series of diversions, distractions and political drama is the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.

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The People’s Court of New Normal Germany

The People’s Court of New Normal Germany

The Berlin Superior Court has set a date for Hopkins’ next thoughtcrime trial. As regular readers will probably recall, his first thoughtcrime trial in January ended with his acquittal. So, the German authorities are putting him on trial again. Yes, they can do that in Germany.

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