Challenging Any State’s Cov-19 Vaccine Mandate to Attend School
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has advised us it will fund legal challenges to any Covid-19 mandate for attending school imposed by any state.
The U.S. Is Leading the World Into the Abyss
The desire for peace and security is a universal dream. Sometimes it is hidden in people’s hearts because they have swallowed the lies of the evil ones who wish to wage war against those who insist on security for their country, as Russians are demanding today.
Roger Waters: A Star And Pro-Palestine At The Same Time
In response to his courageous political message, there are people who would say that a guy like him can afford to do this because he is so successful and wealthy, so has nothing to lose. The truth, however, is the opposite. There is no such thing as a person who has nothing to lose.
Reflections on Graeber and Wengrow’s ‘Dawn of Everything’
Is modern capitalist man the inevitable end of social evolution? Many believe it is. Or is our current culture merely a choice, and a bad one, a choice that somehow went global?
Sliding doors: Prozac Nation
There was always a strange sleight of hand involved in Prozac Nation. In spite of the extraordinary psychological heavy lifting for over three hundred pages — the remedy in the end was a magic little pill.
Subsistence Farming and The Value of Living Crisis
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is not only a war, it is a land grab. It is the final act of enclosure. In our Smart Cities, we are assured, we’ll be fed by CRISPR vertical farms, the carbon negative souls of which will be cleansed by the cheap purchase of our countryside.
What If They Threw a Pandemic & Nobody Came?
Thankfully, you are immune to their spells, and you can try to shake others out of their W.H.O.PNOSIS by adding your voice to the hundreds of millions of others who are ready to #StopTheWHO, #ExitTheWHO, and #ScrewTheWHO.
Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Mark Bailey: A Farewell to Virology
The alleged claim that SARS-CoV-2 is a chimeric virus made from portions of HIV mixed with previously discovered coronaviruses can’t possibly be true because neither HIV nor previous “coronaviruses” have themselves been shown to exist.