Why are People so Obedient? – Compliance and Tyranny

Why are People so Obedient? – Compliance and Tyranny

If we adopt hypocrisy as a way of life and fully comply with political agendas, ideologies, and mandates with which we do not agree, then we will not only be a victim of the creeping tyranny that is suffocating our society, but also an active supporter.

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Cogs of corruption and control

Cogs of corruption and control

Public money supposedly deployed to “fight poverty” or “save the planet” is in fact being used to build a nightmarish “smart” world, an all-inclusive digital slave-labour camp in which both human and natural capital are sources of sustainable enrichment and power for the global parasites.

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Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?

Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?

If a society is composed of self-reliant, resilient and inwardly strong individuals a positive reaction can take place, but if it is composed of mainly weak, insecure and helpless individuals a descent into the delusions of a mass psychosis becomes a real possibility.

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New Normal Nihilism

New Normal Nihilism

While society has always been encumbered by violence and crime, Covid has hurtled us closer toward this gnawing sense of meaninglessness and uncertainty.

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