COVID Affects Your Memory

COVID Affects Your Memory

At this point, they can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. Lockdowns and school closures have already led to uncountable losses for young people, and the media’s dogmatic, uncritical terror campaign is largely responsible. It’s not a crime for the media to get things wrong; but it’s a journalistic crime to deliberately align reporting with select politicians, bureaucrats, and corporations in order to wage a crusade against free and open debate.

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The Religion of Liberals: Censorship

The Religion of Liberals: Censorship

For years, their preferred censorship tactic was to expand and distort the concept of “hate speech” to mean “views that make us uncomfortable,” and then demand that such “hateful” views be prohibited on that basis.

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Truth Or COVID?

Truth Or COVID?

The COVID coup began with declarations of an “emergency” in four-fifths of the states – and why, with very rare exceptions, those “states of emergency” remain in effect to this day, nearly two years later.

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Vaccines: Stop Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates For Children

Vaccines: Stop Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates For Children

California is considering a bill, S.B. 871 that would mandate COVID-19 vaccines for all students attending a public or private elementary or secondary school, childcare center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center.

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Bathed in Pesticides: the Narrative of Deception

Bathed in Pesticides: the Narrative of Deception

The volume of pesticides and exposure is occurring on a scale that is without precedent and world-historical in nature. Agrichemicals are now pervasive as they cycle through bodies and environments. The herbicide glyphosate has been a major factor in driving this increase in use.

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The Pfuture—Live it or live with it.

The Pfuture—Live it or live with it.

Clem and Barney join other tourists in various pfuture exhibits and rides, and eventually encounter a simulation of then-President Richard Nixon similar to the “audioanimatronic” President Lincoln at Disneyland.

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They Are Lying

They Are Lying

They are the major investors in BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street who control every big company in every big industry and who seem to have our governments—with the stolen pension funds and collapsing currencies—by the balls, so the governments just do whatever they are told to do to maximize the investments for those people, which explains the total lack of commonsense logic in the actions of governments in the past two years.

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