Fake living versus the happiness of truth

Fake living versus the happiness of truth

Individual uniqueness cannot be tolerated by the system/corporation, which uses its “educational” apparatus to churn out the lifeless and interchangeable human beings that will best serve its global machine.

Authenticity: A quality to defeat quantity

Authenticity: A quality to defeat quantity

This industrial society is not authentic, because its roots are not in our hearts, in our dreams, in the archetypal tendencies and desires that stir our blood and guide our tastes and preferences.

Change for the better?

Change for the better?

De-industrialisation is the last thing the criminocracy would support, since its entire project is built on expanding Technik as a means of both extracting profit and exerting control – so that further profit can be extracted!

Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!

Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!

Presenting a life-affirming worldview that is diametrically opposed to that of the dark enslaving empire, Mr. Cudenec says: “The global criminocracy’s ongoing domination of our societies depends on deceit – constant, blatant deceit in every sphere.

Burnout (Chrono-Politics, Part 4)

Burnout (Chrono-Politics, Part 4)

Anti-authoritarians used to say there was a policeman inside of each of our heads and we had to kill that policeman. We did. He was substituted by a boss inside our head. No boss can drive us like we can drive ourselves.