Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany

Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany

If you criticize the government, or if you compare the government to Nazi Germany, and if you do that using your book-cover art featuring a swastika behind a Covid mask, then you’re absolutely officially a “hate criminal,” and an “anti-Semite,” and a “trivializer of the Holocaust.”

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Fake news was invented 500 years ago

Fake news was invented 500 years ago

The parallels between the present day and the witchcraft accounts that flew off the printing presses of 16th-century Europe are all too clear. Today, the hunt has shifted to groups used as scapegoats for the economic deprivation and other ills that blight our societies.

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Could Bird Flu Be the October Surprise?

Could Bird Flu Be the October Surprise?

With Covid, we experienced first-hand what can be done to our civil rights and to our Constitutionally guaranteed electoral and governmental processes when a fear-driven, emergency-based takeover of society occurs.

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