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If we were not required to work to pay for basic rights, such as food, shelter, and water, could we embrace radical solutions to change the current state of our society?
What happens when the little people at the bottom look up in alarm and, far above, catch their first glimpse of the sinister hand that has been controlling their activities all along? What happens if they don’t at all like what they see? We may well be about to find out!
In the land of virology, there was a man who thought he understood viruses. He liked to talk about his money and how much he was willing to bet that his understanding was correct.
Western countries refuse to admit that they remain principally responsible for the problem and to commit to repaying their climate debt by financing the energy transition in developing countries whose wealth they continue to siphon off.
A tiny gang of trillionaire psychopaths have declared war on the rest of the human species – and now they are going to have to face the consequences.
Finding little ways to undermine the oppression machine every day gradually adds up to hundreds of acts of defiance in a year, which after a few years becomes thousands.
The predator class doesn’t care if the working poor struggle and suffer and live in misery, so long as they can make their interest payments. And that if the government won’t side with the debtors, there comes a point where the debtors must destroy the creditors themselves.
The reemergence of “payment strikes” is perhaps a sign that as economic conditions deteriorate, people will begin to leverage the only real power they have left in today’s hyper-consumerist societies — i.e., as consumers.