A Brief History of Science
There are individuals who seem to be especially gifted at the art of influencing reality with their thoughts. The quantum pioneer Wolfgang Pauli and the “PK man” Ted Owens seem to be examples. Perhaps we can learn from shamans and from Buddhist monks who have persistently trained their concentration.
A Major Life Change
With coherence, we can rise to meet any challenge. Without it, even marginal changes are impossible to accomplish. The meta-narrative shared by both sides that the problem is those horrible people on the other side, is itself the real problem.
The Luddite Kids saying NO to Smartphones
“Spend time getting to know yourself and exploring the world around you. It’s so much more fulfilling — and so much more real — than the one inside your expensive little box.” – teenager Lola Schub.
We’re All Bored of Culture
Anglo-Calvinist moralism has turned the American arts into something strenuously polite and deadly dull.
Holding the Line: It’s Easier With Love
The only place to resolve this conundrum, unresolvable in a linear way, is from love. The journey may take years. But when we allow the universe to heal us, and heal, and stop being scared of them, they’ll accept our wings.
David Martin’s “malleable” reality
Have a look at the methods described in the “SARS virus” patent and you’ll find the same-old monkey cell nonsense that we see in the “SARS-COV-2 isolation” studies, and additional procedures carried out in an effort to “identify” (assume, actually) the cause of the observed effects that occurred in the unnatural, useless cell cultures.
Don’t Abandon Hope, But Keep a Hopium Tracker
The structures which we had wrongly thought we could rely on for independent and objective justice are anything but independent and objective. They are merely reflections of the society that we have collectively constructed.
A different kind of meeting
The day after WHO declared the ‘pandemic’ over, our community was treated to an in-person podcast by Dr. Tom Cowan. But we need a different kind of meeting. We need direct involvement.