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The global gangsters’ plastic excuse for a “philosophy” imagines that people are merely separate individuals, random units that can be brought together or separated from each other by the firm hand of their authority.
The environmental movement has lost its way. At one point environmentalism was about protecting wild places and wild beings. Now environmentalists themselves are trying to sustain this destructive way of life instead of trying to protect wild nature and wild beings.
We have had to watch the Democratic party go from supporting the values we supported in the 1960s (brotherhood amongst all Americans, no more wars, protecting the working class from the predatory corporate class) to a party that is the exact opposite of these points.
Today, the top 10 percent of the richest people in the United States own almost 70 percent of the country’s total wealth. The top 1 percent control 32 percent of the wealth. The bottom 50 percent of the U.S. population hold 3 percent of all U.S. wealth.
When translated into the political arena, researchers found that politicians with small eyes tend to stare at people as a power tactic, and such body language is correlated with a tendency for them to grow larger as they age – i.e. get fat.
We must absolutely protect any remaining intact ecosystems from development, whether it is for oil & gas, minerals, lumber, ranching, suburbs, dam reservoirs, industrial-scale fishing, or biofuels.
The Bruderhof (meaning roughly “the house of brothers”) was founded as a Christian intentional community practicing biblical koinonia — the radical Christian sharing of all possessions in common for the sake of the gospel by loving others.
We need communities and institutions where we explore and celebrate together what it means to be human persons so that we may learn to use technology wisely, and perhaps even reverse the current trend of dehumanizing ourselves.