Zero Sum
Actual Science is the alternative to the Pan Doctrine

Actual Science is the alternative to the Pan Doctrine

The California Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee have embraced the Pan Doctrine that is junk-science-eugenic-fascism with the added twist that they want everyone to be chronically ill in order to enrich their largest donors.

The Spirituality of _________ (Climate Change)

The Spirituality of _________ (Climate Change)

I put “_______” in the title, because so many people automatically scroll past anything with “climate change.” Quite understandably, they think that they know basically what it is going to say, in main message if not in details.

The Narratives They Are a-Changin’

The Narratives They Are a-Changin’

The science didn’t change. The narrative did. Cruel, cruel people. And yes, the repercussions of this will be unfolding for the years to come, and pundits will pontificate in a shallow, disconnected way as they do—but the reality is that a lot of people have been abused, for no reason at all. Zero reason. None.

Love-Gift to the Future

Love-Gift to the Future

Society may not notice or reward the love you pour into your children, or appreciate the sacrifices you have made. It may not look like a great deed, but it will surface eventually as great deeds done by your children, or their children, or maybe someone five hundred years hence when the seed you have tossed into the future lands on fertile ground.

The Pfuture—Live it or live with it.

The Pfuture—Live it or live with it.

Clem and Barney join other tourists in various pfuture exhibits and rides, and eventually encounter a simulation of then-President Richard Nixon similar to the “audioanimatronic” President Lincoln at Disneyland.

They Are Lying

They Are Lying

They are the major investors in BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street who control every big company in every big industry and who seem to have our governments—with the stolen pension funds and collapsing currencies—by the balls, so the governments just do whatever they are told to do to maximize the investments for those people, which explains the total lack of commonsense logic in the actions of governments in the past two years.

Dr. Malone recommended video, “More Harm Than Good”

Dr. Malone recommended video, “More Harm Than Good”

Dr. Robert Malone: A fantastic video that has been put out by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance group that summarizes all the malfeasance and data manipulation, misinterpretations associated with the Pfizer vaccines and their clinical trials.

The “New Normal” & the Civil Society Deception

The “New Normal” & the Civil Society Deception

A global network of stakeholder capitalist partners are collaborating to usher in what they claim to be a new model of enhanced democratic accountability that includes “civil society”. However, beneath their deceptive use of the term civil society lies an ideology which offers this network an unprecedented degree of political control that threatens to extinguish representative democracy entirely.

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