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The purpose of “social distancing” – really just a euphemism for confinement – was not intended merely as a temporary measure but a new structure for society itself.
The American kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) continues to suck the American people down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe in which the Constitution is meaningless, the government is all-powerful.
The real task facing us as individuals and as a society is to envision a new view of humankind and the world, to find a new foundation for our identity, to formulate new principles for living together with others, and to reclaim a timely human capacity—Truth Speech.
The war industry, deified by the mass media, including the entertainment industry, is never held accountable for the military fiascos, cost overruns, dud weapons systems and profligate waste.
My proposed solutions include dismantling the AAP and creating a new organization: resistant to political pressure, with the sole goal of promoting the well-being of children.
Harm to the national security isn’t even a consideration anymore. Now it’s just about punishment and about making a political point. Scrap the Espionage Act. Rewrite it the way it should be rewritten. And leave whistleblowers alone.