Robert Malone Sifts Through the Lies

Robert Malone Sifts Through the Lies

There are forces at play here that this whole public health thing is just a facade, a ruse. I’m completely convinced the reason why so many of these policies make no sense from a public health standpoint is they’re not about public health.

The War on Dissent

The War on Dissent

Online censorship is becoming increasingly normalized as growing restrictions, deplatforming and its other manifestations have become so pervasive that many have simply come to accept it.

Fauci, Top Biden Officials Subpoenaed in Lawsuit

Fauci, Top Biden Officials Subpoenaed in Lawsuit

Top-ranking Biden administration officials — including Dr. Anthony Fauci — and five social media giants have 30 days to respond to subpoenas and discovery requests in a lawsuit alleging the government colluded with social media companies to suppress freedom of speech “under the guise of combatting misinformation.”

No Emergency: Hospitals Not Overwhelmed, Cases Meaningless

No Emergency: Hospitals Not Overwhelmed, Cases Meaningless

The Biden Administration refuses to abdicate their emergency powers; they want to keep the “pandemic” narrative alive so the vaccinators can get more shots in more arms – even those of babies and toddlers. But we are not in a Covid-19 public health emergency. In fact, there never was one.

The Biggest Lie The Hawks Ever Sold

The Biggest Lie The Hawks Ever Sold

The US is the only nation on earth whose entire economy is built on arms manufacturing and security guarantees to tyrannical Gulf states. It’s not just correct to call the US empire a uniquely evil power structure, it’s correct to say it’s impossible for it not to be.

Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid.

Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid.

The reasons behind these horrific numbers are complicated and none of us fully understand them, so that is exactly why there should be an urgent and comprehensive Government inquiry. If anything, the situation seems to be worsening. Considering the relentless focus on one virus for more than two years, requesting answers from Government on thousands and thousands of non-Covid excess deaths is entirely reasonable.

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