Lovingly Crafted Video of “What is the Next Story”
In past times, troubadors, singers, artists, and poets freely borrowed from each other. That was how culture evolved. Today the legal system puts huge barriers athwart this flow of cultural development.
Eric Coppolino’s Interview with Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey
What occurred in 2020 was not, in Mr. Kennedy’s aching words, “a mismanaged pandemic.” All of the mitigation measures are now demonstrably deliberate, unnecessary acts that harmed nearly everyone, which has been obvious for a long time.
Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable
Currently, democracy has shifted to being “of the corporations by the corporations for the corporations.” Earth democracy calls for a restoration of democracy “of the people by the people for the people,” not only for humans but also for nature.
Solving the Debt Crisis the American Way
The 14th Amendment says the validity of the government’s debt shall not be questioned. Fixing the budget deficit by minting some trillion dollar coins would be a radical monetary “reset,” but the approach is not actually untested.
Wrong Turn—Rupert Sheldrake On How Science Lost Its Way
There’s a lot about us that genetics can’t explain. In studies, identical twins separated at birth show remarkable similarities. Perhaps both develop a strong interest in stock-car racing and art. There are no “stock-car- and art-loving” genes.
Crocodiles Then and Now
Winston Churchill defined an appeaser as ‘one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last’. Let’s keep this in mind as the World Economic Forum meets in Davos. Because our real pandemic is willful naiveté, and our greatest danger cowardice.
Mike Wallach on the viral delusion
The reality is that there is very little evidence to support the claim that one can “catch” something like, for example, Flu or Chickenpox from somebody. In other words, there is no proper science showing that viruses exist, let alone are contagious.
‘Anecdotals’ Documentary
The film calls for an open dialogue and a movement from humanity to ask the difficult questions and acknowledge those who are suffering due to COVID-19 shots.