They’re Just not Jaded

They’re Just not Jaded

The story of economic growth over the last centuries is the story of a conversion on non-monetized forms of wealth—call them natural, social, cultural, and spiritual capital—into monetized goods and services.

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The UK Government: Kakistocracy or Kleptocracy?

The UK Government: Kakistocracy or Kleptocracy?

In the UK “the electorate” empowers people who are corrupt and/or stupid. This is a democratic principle which the government then protects on the international stage, currently by sending Eastern Europeans to their deaths.

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Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable

Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable

Currently, democracy has shifted to being “of the corporations by the corporations for the corporations.” Earth democracy calls for a restoration of democracy “of the people by the people for the people,” not only for humans but also for nature.

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Solving the Debt Crisis the American Way

Solving the Debt Crisis the American Way

The 14th Amendment says the validity of the government’s debt shall not be questioned. Fixing the budget deficit by minting some trillion dollar coins would be a radical monetary “reset,” but the approach is not actually untested.

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