Ignore the Prophets of Doom – Organic food can feed the world

Ignore the Prophets of Doom – Organic food can feed the world

We must not be hoodwinked by the relentless fear-mongering (concerning organics) of the agritech-agribusiness lobby, which requires farmers to continue to purchase its proprietary inputs, including synthetic fertilisers, while continuing to rollout and impose its high-input, high-energy, health-damaging model of industrial agriculture across the world.

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The Nitrogen Problem in Agriculture

The Nitrogen Problem in Agriculture

Reduce the use of chemical fertilisers, make the chemical industry pay for pollution instead of criminalising farmers who were trapped by in the chemical treadmill through industrial agriculture.

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10 Lies of Contemporary Culture

10 Lies of Contemporary Culture

10 uncomfortable things about 10 comfortable ideas that they say you need to cultivate: identity, self-esteem, service to the world, creativity, critical thinking, peace, justice, openness, love, and freedom. These are 10 nice, happy face words but, unlike most commencement speakers, I will not tell you happy lies about them.

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The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits

The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits

What are the roots of the technocratic and transhumanist policies currently being pushed onto society? In this essay, Matthew Ehret traces two centuries of British imperial grand strategists who adapted Thomas Malthus’ system of scientific governance of useless eaters in opposition to the deeper creative impulses of the human species.

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I Am Done With The Left-Right Divide

I Am Done With The Left-Right Divide

I find it interesting that my allies in the anti-globalization and peace movements do not see a connection between our protests against the Weapons of Mass Destruction lies before the Iraq war, GMOs, a woman’s right to choose abortion and big Pharma but now are public about supporting forced vaccination, censorship, and the war in Ukraine.

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