Health Meme Lies Corrected
Cute images, compelling typography—propaganda at its best. Health meme lies that needed to be corrected. I felt like I was up to the job.
A Monetary Reset Where the Rich Don’t Own Everything
We have a serious debt problem, but solutions such as the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” are not the future we want. It’s time to think outside the box for some new solutions.
It’s About Time
We have entered a new time, perhaps the end-time, when the world’s end is a very real possibility. Hypnotized people can agree to anything, even mass-suicide, unless they snap out of it.
When the Struggle Ends, Who Am I?
Watch the linked video! The struggle that surfaced via the Covid controversies has not ended, but it has surely entered a new phase. Some of its partisans are taking a step back to look at the bigger picture—not only the social-political picture, but of their own role in it.
Eclipsed by the State: A Critical Look at Christian America
Christians were persecuted in ancient times for refusing to participate in the Roman Empire’s rituals to their gods, yet today many Christians see no conflict of interest in offering up their allegiance in idolatrous rituals to the flag of the U.S. Empire.
Democracy Is Dead! Long Live Democracy
Not only is representative democracy anti-democratic, its precepts are ignored by governments anyway. There are no national democracies to be found anywhere.
Integrity Dignity Community: Robert Malone at Defeat the Mandates LA
Integrity is a commitment to truth, in what you say, how you live, and how you treat others. Dignity flows from respect, for ourselves, for each other, and for the world we live in. Community is what binds us together, to each other, and gives our lives purpose and meaning.
The End of Their World is the Beginning of Ours!
A society which sees nature only as a resource to be exploited will behave very differently from one which understands itself as existing in symbiosis with a multiplicity of life-forms, all of whom belong to a super-organism and possess an intrinsic worth.