Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe

Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe

Western countries refuse to admit that they remain principally responsible for the problem and to commit to repaying their climate debt by financing the energy transition in developing countries whose wealth they continue to siphon off.

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Welcome To The Revolution!

Welcome To The Revolution!

A tiny gang of trillionaire psychopaths have declared war on the rest of the human species – and now they are going to have to face the consequences.

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It’s Time To Declare a Global Debt Jubilee

It’s Time To Declare a Global Debt Jubilee

The predator class doesn’t care if the working poor struggle and suffer and live in misery, so long as they can make their interest payments. And that if the government won’t side with the debtors, there comes a point where the debtors must destroy the creditors themselves.

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Does Nature Have Rights?

Does Nature Have Rights?

Unlike a treaty rights approach or international human rights approach, environmental personhood allows tribal communities to insert ancestral knowledge and spiritual beliefs into plans aimed at preserving the land.

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The Path Paved by Dr. Stefan Lanka

The Path Paved by Dr. Stefan Lanka

Dr. Stefan Lanka’s refutation of the germ theory paradigm using virology’s own history and methods has been highly influential. Dr. Lanka’s status as an ex-virologist not only gave him an invaluable insiders look at the fraud the field is entrenched in but also the clout necessary for those hesitant about the information shared to actually listen up and to start asking the hard questions themselves.

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