Denying reality: a dangerous delusion

Denying reality: a dangerous delusion

On a metaphysical level, postanarchists, like all postmodernists, deny that there is any essence behind anything in the world. Nothing in the human mind is innate and there is no such thing as human nature.

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Malone vs. the Breggins: Tessa Lena’s Take

Malone vs. the Breggins: Tessa Lena’s Take

What distinguishes the good guys from the bad guys is not the isms, and not the talking points. It’s the feeling of love, an insistence on doing things from love and not from fear (which is one of the hardest things to do in a world that is unfair and broken).

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Victory Will Not Solve the Problem

Victory Will Not Solve the Problem

We will never rival the evil controlling powers in their ruthlessness, violence, deceit, and weapons of war. We will not beat them at their own game. We have to play a bigger game, one that includes the game of force but far transcends it.

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Resisting Techno-Tyranny: A Dialogue

Resisting Techno-Tyranny: A Dialogue

Without the foundations of authentic anarchist thinking, these hollowed-out zombie anarchists were easily led into the absurd positions of supporting fascistic state control and medication on the basis of defending the “common good” as defined by our rulers.

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