Fake Virtue with Alan Watts
Alan Watts never claims to have any answers. He merely takes you on a journey, exploring curiosities and conundrums of the human condition. You may find some meaning in the journey, you may not.
Notes on FBI/Twitter Story
This is a chance for ordinary Americans to see, from the inside, how their tax dollars have been spent building an elaborate, systematized method of censorship and opinion control, with agencies like the DHS and the DOJ/FBI at the helm.
Opposing War Is The First Step Toward Moral Politics
People defend their rulers for the same reason cultists defend their cult leader: because they’ve been indoctrinated. And usually by the same psychological manipulation techniques.
Dr. Fauci to head National Institute of Particle Physics
Fauci said that a newly-discovered version of the particle, the muon netutrino, is especially dangerous. “And remember, it does not discriminate, but they especially wants to get grandma. They have been planning this for 10 billion years,” he added
The Biggest Obstacle To Real Freedom…
Without mass-scale indoctrination into power-serving narratives about nation, government and world, the power structures which rule over us would immediately collapse.
The Dominance of Self-Interest and the Ruling Cult of Evil
What happens when it becomes impossible to completely repress the inner realisation of what you are doing, when the thin shell of justification collapses and you, the insider, become aware of the utter depravity of your role in society?
All Terrain
It’s time for a paradigm shift.
Denying reality: a dangerous delusion
On a metaphysical level, postanarchists, like all postmodernists, deny that there is any essence behind anything in the world. Nothing in the human mind is innate and there is no such thing as human nature.