Punks vs. Posers
Being cool, in this new establishment left’s mind, changed things by itself. To lack coolness was the same as being a townsperson in the film Easy Rider—a gap-toothed nativist, fearful of anyone who thinks differently.
Democrats Love Saying That AR-15s Should Only Be Used On Foreigners
Every time there’s a mass shooting in America with an AR-15, high-level Democrats line up to proclaim that those weapons should only ever be used to kill impoverished foreigners.
San Francisco is Another Portugal
Ba.5 is just starting to become predominant in San Francisco, unlike in Portugal where it dominated since a month ago, and that is not a good sign for a beautiful coastal city whose residents keep catching endless cases of Covid.
On Ukraine, ‘progressive’ proxy warriors spell disaster
Urging leftists to support the Ukraine proxy war, Bernie Sanders aide Matt Duss whitewashes the US role, attacks dissenting voices, and advocates the dangerous militarism that he claims to oppose.
Move over ACLU, FIRE is the New Champion of Free Speech
The expansion of the Foundation of Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) marks the end of an era, when free speech issues were the sole province of American liberalism
Disinformation Governance Board: It’s Going To Get SO Much Worse
The disinformation board, which critics have understandably been calling a “Ministry of Truth”, purportedly exists to fight disinformation coming out of Russia as well as misleading messages about the US-Mexico border. We may be certain that the emphasis in the board’s establishment has been on the Russia angle, however.
The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency
While the WEF’s Young Global Leader program has recently become infamous, it follows the model of a much older program and think tank established with the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes.
Democrats: The New Authoritarians
Woke professionals acting as the indentured servants of a fearful oligarchy have become everything we were told to fear from Trumpism.