San Francisco is Another Portugal

San Francisco is Another Portugal

Ba.5 is just starting to become predominant in San Francisco, unlike in Portugal where it dominated since a month ago, and that is not a good sign for a beautiful coastal city whose residents keep catching endless cases of Covid.

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Disinformation Governance Board: It’s Going To Get SO Much Worse

Disinformation Governance Board: It’s Going To Get SO Much Worse

The disinformation board, which critics have understandably been calling a “Ministry of Truth”, purportedly exists to fight disinformation coming out of Russia as well as misleading messages about the US-Mexico border. We may be certain that the emphasis in the board’s establishment has been on the Russia angle, however.

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Announcing a hostile takeover of the left

Announcing a hostile takeover of the left

The entire left vs. right framing of politics was always dreadful. Only 12% of the world’s population is left-handed so defining certain political ideas as “left” was to assign them to a permanent marginal status.

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