Yale Study: Anger Towards the Unvaccinated

Yale Study: Anger Towards the Unvaccinated

Whether mass vaccination was the only way out of the pandemic or not, behaviourally nudging citizens to guilt each other into taking a novel treatment was not the way a civilised society should have acted.

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Fiction Disguised as Science to Promote Hatred

Fiction Disguised as Science to Promote Hatred

As demonstrated by Fisman, et al., public health models in the hands of the wrong people can result in devastatingly harmful and brutally misleading public messaging. This, in turn, could lead to the introduction of inappropriate health policies.

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6 Lessons from the Master of Propaganda

6 Lessons from the Master of Propaganda

Mind control is an important aspect of any democratic society. Indeed, Bernays maintains that without the “conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses”, democracy simply would not “work”.

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President Obama wants Big Tech to stop misinformation

President Obama wants Big Tech to stop misinformation

The more you give politicians the power to regulate information, the more they will use that power to do only rational thing: use that power to preserve their leadership positions. While Democrats may think this will help them, very likely, the shoe will be on the other foot quickly and it will be used against them.

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Do we need Caesar Elon Musk?

Do we need Caesar Elon Musk?

The deeper battle over Twitter isn’t about free speech at all. That ship has long since sailed. Rather, it’s a fight for control of a key crucible of political consensus-formation, between those who prefer power to be vested in named individuals, and those who prefer to be ruled by self-organising swarm.

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