Cases, Cases, Cases; Numbers, Numbers, Numbers
Too bad so few have taken heed to the words of the man who invented the method that has allowed this global psychological operation to persist. And too bad that Kary Mullis died in late 2019. He would have spoken out against the misinterpretation of PCR test results right from the beginning of this debacle.
Against Corona-doom
What dwarfs, by orders of magnitude, these merely somewhat bad biological and pharmaceutical threats, is the extremely dangerous public health response to this midlevel pandemic, and the emergence across the West of deeply stupid and terribly powerful technocratic hygiene dictatorships, which threaten to destroy our economies, our lives and our cultures in their single-minded pursuit of a pathogen that just doesn’t matter very much.
DHS disinformation board pushed for partnership with social media
The board was supposed to serve as a tool for the government to “work with” privately-owned social media platforms – specifically Twitter – by co-opting them as “stakeholders” in efforts to suppress debate about “conspiracy theories” – such as information around Covid, vaccines, and election integrity.
Democrats and Republicans Both Suck on Free Speech
The Democrats’ collapse on speech is especially tragic because Republicans have almost always been terrible on this issue and weirdly still are now, even when so many of their voters are primary targets of “content moderation” schemes, and “Domestic Terrorism” legislation clearly aimed at its base.
Silicon Valley Corporations Are Taking Control Of History
The idea that government-tied Silicon Valley institutions should act as arbiters of history on behalf of the public consumer is gaining steadily increasing acceptance in the artificially manufactured echo chamber of mainstream public opinion.
It’s… Monty Satan’s Lying Circus!
Celebrities! Politicians! Writers! Religious leaders! Royals! Radicals! We’ve made quite sure that they’re all on board.
NBC Just Simulated A War With China: Here’s What Happened
Just days after the NBC-hosted war game took place the people who write Biden’s teleprompter script decided that now is the perfect time to stir up the hornet’s nest, drop their long-held policy of strategic ambiguity, and officially declare that the US is committed to defending Taiwan from the Chinese invasion that everyone knows is right around the corner.
Empire Managers Want To Control Our Thoughts
The single most overlooked and under-appreciated aspect of our society is the fact that immensely powerful people are continuously working to manipulate the thoughts we think about the world.