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Hawai‘i Unites has the documents, peer-reviewed studies, and scientific expert opinions to back our case to stop the release of bacteria-infected mosquitoes on sacred lands of Maui, Hawai‘i. In fact, this case is so strong that the state agency defendants are afraid to face us in court again. The scope and magnitude of this project clearly require an environmental impact statement (EIS) and comprehensive studies of the risks involved. What are these agencies trying to hide about this dangerous lab-altered mosquito release experiment?
The outpouring of support from all over the world lets us know that the global community is with us in protecting the health of Maui’s people, wildlife, and ‘āina from this biotech industry insect agenda. While the court recently granted the State of Hawai‘i Board of Land and Natural Resources and Department of Land and Natural Resources’ (BLNR/DLNR’s) motion for summary judgment, this case is far from over. We’re continuing to uncover the truth about the risks of this project and the lack of study of the potential significant impacts to our island home, and we’re ready to take the stand again to hold these agencies accountable.
Filing an appeal in this case is crucial for the future of all life on these islands. Through the court’s decision, the state and federal agencies and the “environmental” organizations involved in this multi-agency travesty have now undermined the rule of law put in place to protect our environment and natural resources.
“If the Judge’s decision is not appealed, it will set a precedent for allowing inadequate environmental review of future proposed experimental projects that could have significant impacts to our fragile ecosystems.”
During testimony at our TRO and preliminary injunction hearing, tropical disease expert and witness Dr. Lorrin Pang was asked an important question by our attorney:
“As it is currently being proposed, in your expert opinion, has this experiment been studied enough for the State and its agency partners to move forward?”
Pang has been a leader in mitigating mosquito-borne illness for decades and has authored over 75 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals covering a broad range of studies, over 40 of which are focused on mosquito-borne illnesses. His response to this question was a clear and concise “No.”
Judge Tonaki’s order granting summary judgment to the BLNR/DLNR gives no detail about Dr. Pang’s testimony that calls into question the sufficiency of the final environmental assessment for the Maui mosquito release experiment. Pang’s serious concerns about horizontal transmission of introduced bacteria, biopesticide wind drift of lab-altered mosquitoes into unintended areas, superinfection of mosquitoes with multiple bacteria strains, increased pathogen infection and disease-spreading capability in mosquitoes, and the experimental nature of the project are not acknowledged by the Judge.
Dr. Lorrin Pang had this to say about the Judge’s decision:
“He implies we base our argument only on things which might happen. Well, that is the world we are in now – so many things happening so fast that we don’t have time to study everything before making a decision, and by the time we see something ‘definitive,’ then it’s too late. This is true for climate change, when we eradicated dengue on Maui in 2001-2002 (based on our best guess of what might happen), cane smoke, glyphosate, COVID, Lahaina fires, microplastics, chlorpyrifos, jet fuel in aquifers, microbial drug resistance, and on and on. My guess what might happen is based in science and a history of teaching and often being right.
‘Might’ happen is all we have to go on now. Lawyers and judges operate in a different world – and if they enter the scientific world, they should be able to juggle risks and benefits, not only what has happened but what might happen. The next issue is that many point out that as scientists only I complain and ask for an EIS. I think many other scientists have been bullied to not complain because of financial conflicts of interest or conflicts of fear. And I will always preface my definition of ‘conflict’ according to the Institute of Medicine’s guidance published between 2005-2009 articles describing the problem and solution in the New England Journal of Medicine, respectively. The court and judge do not have time to get into all of this – but that is exactly the nature of the problem. It is not only what ‘might’ happen – but quantitatively how likely or unlikely might it happen – both the benefits and the side effects.”
Hawai‘i Unites has compiled a 20-minute video highlighting testimony in our case. This is a powerful statement about these decision-makers and their willful disregard for the potential consequences of unleashing this irreversible biotech experiment on our islands. Watch for yourself to see why they don’t want us to take the stand again:
We won’t be silenced by these agencies and their biotech industry agenda. The State of Hawai‘i and Birds, Not Mosquitoes are selling out these islands and using sacred land as a testing ground for corporate experiments. Their narrative is falling apart, and they’re trying every trick in the book to stop the truth from continuing to come out in court.
Please stand with Hawai‘i Unites in protecting the ‘āina from these dangerous mosquito releases. We have just three more days to raise the $13,000 needed to file an appeal and seek a ruling that this case be remanded back to the circuit court and go to trial.
Mahalo to everyone who has contributed towards our goal. We’re so grateful for the support and encouragement. We’re determined to stop these mosquito releases, and we will keep speaking truth about this reckless plan that is overwhelmingly opposed by our community.
Tina Lia
Hawai‘i Unites
Hawai‘i Unites is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of our environment and natural resources. Your tax-deductible donations help us to fulfill our mission of honoring and protecting our sacred connection to the natural world.