The People’s Court of New Normal Germany

The People’s Court of New Normal Germany

The Berlin Superior Court has set a date for Hopkins’ next thoughtcrime trial. As regular readers will probably recall, his first thoughtcrime trial in January ended with his acquittal. So, the German authorities are putting him on trial again. Yes, they can do that in Germany.

Censorship and the Death of Freedom

Censorship and the Death of Freedom

Freedom of speech was once one of the West’s most cherished rights, but in the modern-day governments are attempting to strip us of this right. In almost all Western nations legislation is being introduced to thwart our ability to speak freely.

The Supreme Court Punts on Censorship

The Supreme Court Punts on Censorship

In the last two decades we’ve gotten used to the problem of legal challenges to new government programs being shot down precisely because their secret nature makes collecting evidence or showing standing or injury difficult, and Murthy proved no different.

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