Endless War
Netanyahu Goes for Broke

Netanyahu Goes for Broke

The Israeli prime minister has chosen this moment to mount a go-for-broke attempt to bring the U.S. into some kind of once-for-all conflict that would leave Israel supreme in the region.

POTUS Gets a Reality Check on Ukraine

POTUS Gets a Reality Check on Ukraine

Ray McGovern, 27-year CIA veteran, continues to make sense of the world to “President” Scheer. This week, McGovern briefs the President on the truth of some of the claims he made on the debate stage — and the President is not happy about it.

Wars, resets and the global criminocracy

Wars, resets and the global criminocracy

After both world wars, the idea of a “post-war” reality, to which people had to adapt, was used to ramp up industrialism and modernity, destroying traditional agriculture and communities and declaring old ways of thinking and living as being unsuited to the brave new normal.

The Media Skew Public Perception By…

The Media Skew Public Perception By…

The mass media in general and The New York Times in particular are notorious for their passive language “Palestinian child ceases breathing after encountering bullet” headlines when promoting Israeli information interests.

The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All

The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All

Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy. Bombs also make people rich.

The Anti-Zionist Inquisition

The Anti-Zionist Inquisition

Take a look at Israel. What function does Israel perform for the empire? Do you think the empire cares about Israel’s national ideology, i.e. Zionism, any more than it cares about Saudi Arabia’s national ideology?

The Nation’s Conscience

The Nation’s Conscience

The courageous stance of students across the country in defiance of genocide is accompanied by a near total blackout of their voices. Their words are the ones we most need to hear.

Fighting Monsters

Fighting Monsters

GloboCap has been occupying, destabilizing, and restructuring the Middle East for decades. It’s not going to stop. It is going to continue. As the restructuring of the West is going to continue.

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