Police State
The People’s Court of New Normal Germany

The People’s Court of New Normal Germany

The Berlin Superior Court has set a date for Hopkins’ next thoughtcrime trial. As regular readers will probably recall, his first thoughtcrime trial in January ended with his acquittal. So, the German authorities are putting him on trial again. Yes, they can do that in Germany.

The Civil War Simulation

The Civil War Simulation

If you think this all ends with America Made Great Again, or Palestine Free, or with Elon Musk marching into the White House with a bathroom sink, or some other “revolutionary” fantasy, well, it doesn’t.



The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday in Fischer v. U.S. struck down one of the most common charges against January 6 defendants. “Obstruction of an official proceeding” had been used in hundreds of cases, and those convictions are now invalid.

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