Just Following Orders

Just Following Orders

It is ironic that nearly every great societal accomplishment in history has been born out of revolution. Both governmentally as well as in science, art and literature. Progress has always been revolutionary.

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now

What will happen next is mostly speculation. As pointed out before, the WHA will likely dedicate a good portion of next week to debate “what’s next”, so as not to lose the momentum. It is clear, they will not let go. It is engrained in the character of the Dark Cult that pretends reigning over the world.

Who needs the WHO?

Who needs the WHO?

Time is running out to stop the WHO and global elites from taking control of the health of all Americans during the next pandemic. Action Alert!

The Rabies Hoax

The Rabies Hoax

The year the government tried to make wolves and coyotes go extinct. Also, fraud science, the vaccination Industry silencing those who spoke out and injecting egg omelets into rabbits.

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