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by The Sharp Edge | Jun 1, 2022
In an appearance at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, climate-grifter, Al Gore, took the opportunity to, once again, tout Climate TRACE, a coalition backed by the former Vice President and former Google CEO, Eric Schmidt. In response to a comment made by WEF panelist, Lea Wermelin, on the responsibility of governments to make structural changes in our economy to combat climate change, Gore replied, “I have good news on this front. We are about to enter an age of radical transparency. I have been among those who have formed a new coalition called ‘Climate TRACE’…Tracking Real-time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions. It’s a coalition of artificial intelligence technology companies, NGOs, and universities, using data from 300 existing satellites from multiple countries, ground, sea and air-based censors, and internet data streams, to use machine-learning to create algorithms for every single sub-sector of the economy.” This colossal data-collection project aims to replace the current self-reporting system of greenhouse gas emissions by countries and companies, who have committed to net zero goals, by publishing reports of climate offenders so that countries, companies, and even individuals can be “held accountable.” The Google-backed AI algorithm used by Climate TRACE appears to lay the framework for enforcing ESG initiatives heavily pushed by financial behemoths such as BlackRock, as well as a technocratic social and climate credit system.
BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, has made no attempts to hide his plans to demolish the current economy through environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. In his 2021 letter to CEOs, Fink remarked, “It’s important to recognize that net zero demands a transformation of the entire economy.” Since Larry Fink issued a letter to CEOs in 2020, which focused on BlackRock’s shift from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism, by assessing companies based on ESG initiatives, corporations have been falling in line with Blackrock’s ‘woke’ climate agenda. However, Al Gore warned his fellow climate activists at the WEF 2022 Annual Meeting that, “greenwashing,” or the act of falsely claiming to be environmentally sustainable, “is a major obstacle to solving the climate crisis. It is made up of falsehoods, clever PR, and it has to stop.” Of course, Gore presents his Climate TRACE framework as the perfect solution and has stated that investors (such as BlackRock), could potentially use this technocratic system to hold corporations responsible for falling in line with their ESG standards. Billionaire critics of Fink’s ESG initiatives, Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, have publicly pushed back on BlackRock’s attempts to fundamentally change the economy based on ‘woke’ ideology. Elon Musk recently remarked on Twitter, “Exxon is rated top ten best in the world for environment, social & governance (ESG) by S&P 500, while Tesla didn’t make the list! ESG is a scam. It has been weaponized by phony social justice warriors.” Republican lawmakers have introduced legislation, known as the INDEX Act, designed to limit the power of mega money managers, like BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard, from using other people’s money to push a toxic mix of personal politics and climate doom hysteria.
Source: Trace Places (
Aside from the obvious dangers of providing a framework for radically transforming an already unstable economy, a far greater threat of this Google-backed global surveillance system is the way in which it could be used against the public, as a foundation for the coming social and climate credit system. Using a project like Climate TRACE to target individual cars, homes, or small businesses for whatever climate offenses these technocrats deem to be greatest, does not seem far off. The social credit system, already implemented in China, relies on mass surveillance of the population to punish or reward their citizens based on their behaviors. Offenses against the authoritarian regime, through the social credit system, result in restrictions of access to traveling, working, or buying a home. Public fears that mass surveillance tools, like Climate TRACE, would be used by governments to implement a social and climate credit system are justified. Corporations, like Alibaba Group, operating in China are pressured, by law, to provide their data collection to the CCP. At the WEF 2022 Annual Meeting, Alibaba Group president, J. Michael Evens, bragged about the company’s development of an “individual carbon footprint tracker,” which has the ability to track everything consumers buy, eat, as well as where and how they travel. Of course, Evans failed to mention if this information would be shared with the Chinese government or if the information would be used as part of their social credit system.
Alibaba Group president J. Michael Evans boasts at the World Economic Forum about the development of an "individual carbon footprint tracker" to monitor what you buy, what you eat, and where/how you travel.
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) May 24, 2022
The fairly new Climate TRACE coalition, which was launched in July of 2020, has set ambitious goals of tracking and tracing emission sources and reporting on “not just national subsector estimates, but ‘asset-level’ data: individual power plants, factories, ships, planes, farms, and so on all around the world.” Their use of the phrase “and so on,” in this statement isn’t reassuring, as it implies an intent to eventually narrow-in on tracking emissions at the individual level. Climate TRACE brags that their development of this machine-learning approach to trace emissions is “constantly evolving, improving and collecting more data,” allowing it to “get more and more detailed over time.” It seems it’s only a matter of time before Climate TRACE moves their focus of tracking individual planes and farms to tracing the emissions of our individual cars, homes, and small businesses. When asked what Climate TRACE will do with all the data they collect, Gore joked, “Publish it. We’re not the climate cops. We’re maybe the neighborhood watch, but our neighborhood is the whole world.” The thought of ‘climate cops’ using this data as a framework for building a social and climate credit system is no joking matter.
While in Glasgow for the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference, known as COP26, Al Gore elaborated on the function of this Climate TRACE coalition to hold entities and individuals accountable for climate offenses, stating, “We can now accurately determine where the greenhouse gas emissions are coming from…and we’ll have the identities of the people who are responsible for each of those greenhouse gas emission streams, and if investors, or governments, or civil society activists want to hold them responsible, they will have the information upon which to base their action in holding them responsible.”
One glance at the funders of this project, reveals that Climate TRACE and their financial backers are unworthy of the public’s trust. Climate TRACE funders include Google, Schmidt Futures, Al Gore, Benificus Foundation, and the partners of Generation Investment Management. Google has a history of surveilling customers, tracking location data, and misleading users about their privacy protections since 2014, and attorneys general in multiple states have filed lawsuits against the Big Tech giant. Former Google CEO and founder of Schmidt Futures, Eric Schmidt, has been accused recently of providing financial incentives to staffers of Biden’s Office of Science and Technology policy, to shape policy that, “benefited…himself.” Schmidt has also been described as reinventing “himself as the prime liaison between Silicon Valley and the military-industrial complex,” due to conflicts of interest for intermingling work with Google and the Pentagon. Benificus Foundation is the family foundation of John and Ann Doerr. John Doerr is a member of Breakthrough Energy Coalition, a fund backed by some of the biggest technocrats in the world, including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, and George Soros, dumping millions into the junk science climate hoax. Generation Investment Management is a “climate-focused hedge fund” founded by Al Gore and David Blood, former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Their holdings include investments in Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Alibaba Group. David Blood and Larry Fink are both part of the Principals Group of Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), leading the financial industry to fundamentally transform the global economy through ESG initiatives, by uniting “net-zero financial sector-specific alliances from across the globe into one industry-wide strategic alliance.”
Members, partners and contributors to the Climate TRACE coalition include Blue Sky Analytics, Earthrise, Hypervine, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Ocean Mind, Rocky Mountain Institute, Transition Zero, WattTime, and Carbon Plan. Blue Sky Analytics’ lead investor is the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, and the World Bank wants to hold ‘climate actors’ accountable using verifiable credentials and blockchain, of course. Earthrise Alliance is the brainchild of former NASA Deputy Administrator, Lori Garver, who served as a lead space policy advisor for Obama, Hillary, and John Kerry. Earthrise is trademarked by the Winward Fund, which is managed by the billion dollar “dark money” network, Arabella Advisors. Hypervine is a “Glasgow-based start-up” co-funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), designed to use blockchain and satellite data, and has been promoted by Cemex. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory “supports the Department of Defense (DoD) and a wide array of U.S. government agencies,” on missions “ranging from cyber operations to homeland protection and strategic security, and…national health.” In response to Covid-19, Johns Hopkins APL has developed AI for “health surveillance data,” as well as electronic disease surveillance systems and bio-surveillance. Johns Hopkins APL has contributed research to Climate TRACE by providing data on “road-transport emissions” using satellite imagery. Ocean Mind uses satellites and AI to power “enforcement and compliance,” to protect the world’s oceans, and has partnered with Microsoft after receiving their “AI for Earth” grant. Rocky Mountain Institute merged with Richard Branson’s Carbon War Room and has deep connections to the U.S. Department of Energy going back to the Obama Administration. TransitionZero is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, Google and Quadrature Climate Foundation, and their CEO is a member of the World Economic Forum. The lead investor of WattTime is Google and they partner with Rocky Mountain Institute and Microsoft. Carbon Plan receives donations from the co-founder of Google, through the Sergey Brin Family Foundation, as well as the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. They’ve also received project-specific funding from NASA and Microsoft, as well as computer credits from Amazon and Microsoft. The list of members, partners and contributors to the Climate TRACE coalition goes on, but as you can see, the project is supported by a who’s who of technocratic globalists with deep pockets.
Climate TRACE is merely one piece of the puzzle in their technocratic plans to implement a global surveillance and control system, as clearly outlined in Corey’s Digs’ 4-part report entitled, ‘Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports.’