
The Corruption is Real and Sickening

by Dr Sam Bailey | Sep 24, 2024

“In writing about ‘pandemics’ we are well aware that they need to be considered within a wider global context. In 2021, Mark and co-author Dr John Bevan-Smith wrote in The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity, ‘this assault on humanity relies on a Trojan horse to deliver the fraud into our minds and bodies, making possible the fulfillment of the globalist agenda of a population control grid with the apparent ultimate aim of controlling populations in every way possible.’”


– Drs Mark & Samantha Bailey, The Final Pandemic

Paul Cudenec is a journalist, essayist and novelist who founded the Winter Oak website. With a long-term background in the English anarchist movement, he has become known since 2020 as a critic of the Great Reset agenda. While we have been busy exposing the foundational scientific fraud behind the COVID-19 event, Paul has been prolific in writing about how the fraud is being used to accelerate the despicable plans of a global criminocracy. We were privileged to become much more familiar with his work in the COVID-era through W.D. James, another Winter Oak contributor and author of “The Mortal God Drops Its Mask“.

This is a special video presentation of one of Paul’s essays “The corruption is real and sickening“, first published in September 2024. It is punchy and powerful but might be hard to swallow for those who believe they are being helped by Big Pharma, as well as global financiers, such as the Rothschilds and their friends. As Paul warns, this information may be too much for people whose, “scientifically-sealed minds cannot even grasp the possibility that others might have taken the initiative to have a peek backstage and work out what ‘The Spectacle’ is all about.”

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  1. Winter Oak website
  2. Paul Cudenac’s Substack
  3. The Fire Sermon, Darren Allen, 2024
  4. The two-way mirror of oppression”, Paul Cudenac, The Acorn – no. 95, 9 Aug 2024
  5. The corruption is real and sickening”, Paul Cudenac, The Acorn – no. 96, 3 Sep 2024 (with all essay references)
  6. Happiness – Steve Cutts (Rat Race)
  7. Edmund de Rothschild and the International Conservation Bank” George Hunt, 1 May 1992
  8. WW Congress Publications:
  9. George Hunt – The New World Bank, Religion and Rulers:
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