
A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

by Unbekoming | Jan 05, 2025

Virology is an Empire-grade meta narrative developed by oligarchy over 100 years.

If you have any doubts about the oligarchy’s capacity to fabricate meta-narratives from scratch, then please make the time to read this and this.

Virology, more than any other narrative of The $cience, has shaped our current world, and will continue to do so until a critical mass is reached to question and topple it.

With thanks to Dr. Mark Bailey.

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Imagine you’re investigating reports of a mysterious creature in a forest. Instead of trying to capture or photograph the creature itself, you:

  1. Find some unusual scratches on trees and footprints in mud
  2. Create a computer model of what you think made these marks
  3. Define these marks as proof of your creature’s existence
  4. Write a detailed description of your creature based on your computer model
  5. Add this description to a database of other reported creatures
  6. When others find similar marks, you declare they’ve found the same creature
  7. Start manufacturing special “creature detection kits” that look for similar marks
  8. Create prevention measures against this creature without ever showing it exists
  9. When asked to show the actual creature, you redefine “showing” to mean your indirect evidence
  10. Use this new definition to claim you’ve proven the creature exists

In this scenario, like in virology, you’ve created an entire field of study, detection methods, and protective measures against something that was never physically demonstrated to exist. When questioned, instead of providing direct evidence, you’ve changed the meaning of what constitutes evidence to match what you can actually produce.

The more technology you add to find marks and create models, the more convincing your story becomes – yet the basic problem remains: no one has ever captured or directly demonstrated the existence of the actual creature you’re claiming to study and protect people against.

12-point summary

1. Scientific Method Failure: Virology has abandoned basic scientific principles by not requiring physical proof of viruses and instead relying on indirect effects and computer modeling to claim their existence.

2. Isolation Deception: The term “isolation” in virology has been redefined to no longer mean physically separating a virus from everything else. This allows virologists to claim isolation without actually purifying or demonstrating the existence of viral particles.

3. Control Experiment Problem: Valid scientific experiments require proper controls. Virology consistently fails to include appropriate controls in their experiments, making their results scientifically invalid.

4. PCR Testing Misuse: PCR testing can only detect genetic sequences it’s programmed to find. It cannot prove the existence of viruses or diagnose infections, yet it’s been misused for both purposes.

5. Genetic Sequencing Illusion: Modern viral genetics relies on computer assembly of genetic fragments without proving these sequences come from viruses. It’s like building a digital jigsaw puzzle without having the original picture.

6. Database Circular Logic: Genetic databases used to “confirm” new viruses are filled with sequences that were never proven to come from viruses in the first place, creating a self-referential system.

7. Institutional Failure: No health institution worldwide has provided evidence of physical virus isolation when asked through Freedom of Information requests, revealing a systemic problem in virology.

8. Historical Pattern: From the earliest days of virology, the field has made assumptions about viral existence without proper scientific proof, setting a pattern that continues today.

9. Technology Misdirection: Advanced technology like genetic sequencing has paradoxically moved virology further from scientific rigor by replacing physical evidence with computer models.

10. Definition Changes: Key terms like “isolation,” “infection,” and “pandemic” have been redefined to support virological claims without maintaining scientific standards.

11. Animal Testing Problems: Animal experiments used to “prove” viral existence typically lack proper controls and often involve unnatural exposure methods that invalidate their results.

12. Public Health Impact: These methodological failures in virology have led to public health policies based on unproven assumptions rather than scientific evidence.

40 Questions & Answers

Question 1: What fundamental problems does virology face regarding the scientific method?

Virology has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements and follow the scientific method. The field creates unfalsifiable hypotheses by setting up paradigms where any observations can be attributed to viruses, without requiring demonstrable proof of viral existence. These observations are presented as evidence through circular reasoning that no longer requires physical demonstration of a virus.

The primary failure lies in the inability to properly isolate viral particles directly from tissues of organisms claimed to have viral diseases. Instead of addressing this foundational issue, virologists have created pseudoscientific methods to replace longstanding scientific requirements, including changing definitions of words like “isolation” to support their practices. This represents a departure from the scientific method’s requirement for falsifiable hypotheses and controlled experiments.

Question 2: How has virology’s definition of “isolation” evolved, and why is this significant?

In virology, while purification retains its everyday meaning, ‘isolation’ has become an expedient term virologists assign to data they claim proves a particular virus exists. Different virologists define isolation variously – from “a sample of a virus from a defined source” to “propagating them in cells in culture” to “identifying a totally unforeseen virus.” This shifting definition allows claims of virus isolation without requiring physical separation and purification of actual viral particles.

This evolution of terminology represents a critical problem because it disconnects the word from its commonly understood scientific meaning of separating one thing from all other things. This redefinition allows virologists to claim isolation through indirect methods like observing cell death in cultures or detecting genetic sequences, rather than demonstrating the physical existence of purified viral particles.

Question 3: What are Koch’s Postulates, and why are they relevant to modern virology?

Koch’s Postulates represent foundational criteria for establishing disease causation by microorganisms. While some virologists claim these postulates are outdated for viruses, the WHO stated in 2003 that conclusive identification of SARS-CoV-1 required fulfilling Koch’s criteria. However, claims of meeting these postulates are unfounded since they require physical isolation of a microbe rather than computer simulations or unpurified biological samples.

The relevance lies in how virologists attempt to dismiss these fundamental scientific principles while failing to provide adequate replacements. Even Rivers Postulates, which were specifically designed for viruses, have never been fulfilled. The abandonment of these established scientific frameworks without proper substitutes highlights a critical methodological gap in modern virology.

Question 4: Why are control experiments crucial in virology, and what constitutes a valid control?

Control experiments are essential because they allow scientists to verify that observed effects are specifically caused by the variable being tested rather than other factors in the experimental setup. A valid control in virology would require comparing samples alleged to contain viruses with similar samples without the alleged virus, while keeping all other variables constant. This type of controlled comparison is notably absent from major virological studies.

Current control experiments in virology often use inadequate substitutes like water or cell culture medium alone, rather than proper biological controls from healthy subjects. This fundamental flaw invalidates claims about virus isolation and pathogenicity since the experiments cannot determine whether observed effects are specifically caused by viruses or are results of the experimental conditions themselves.

Question 5: What is the significance of cytopathic effects (CPEs) in virology?

Cytopathic effects, or the breakdown and death of cells in culture, are claimed by virologists as evidence of viral presence and pathogenicity. However, these effects have been demonstrated to occur in cell cultures due to the experimental conditions themselves, without requiring the presence of any virus. Dr. Stefan Lanka has documented that CPEs can be induced in cell cultures by the laboratory process alone.

The reliance on CPEs as evidence of viral presence represents a significant methodological flaw since the cell death could be caused by various factors, including the stress of the culture conditions or the presence of toxic substances. Without proper controls comparing similar biological samples with and without alleged viral presence, the observation of CPEs cannot scientifically be attributed to viruses.

Question 6: How did early virus research in the early 1900s shape modern virology?

The foundational work in virology, beginning with studies like Dmitri Ivanovsky‘s 1903 research on Tobacco Mosaic Disease, established patterns of problematic methodology that persist today. Ivanovsky’s experiments lacked valid control comparisons and made assumptions about viral causation despite evidence suggesting environmental factors were responsible for observed effects. These early studies set precedents for accepting indirect evidence as proof of viral existence.

Instead of following Claude Bernard‘s 1865 insights about the importance of controlled experiments, early virologists developed methodologies based on assumptions and indirect observations. This approach became institutionalized despite failing to adhere to proper scientific methods, creating a field built on interpretation of effects rather than direct demonstration of causative agents.

Question 7: What was the significance of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus in virology’s history?

The Tobacco Mosaic Virus, claimed to be the first discovered virus, represents a crucial turning point in establishing virological methodologies. However, Ivanovsky’s described experiments lacked any valid control comparisons and were thus unscientific and inconclusive. Despite observing that the disease appeared unique to humid and warm climates, suggesting environmental causation, Ivanovsky concluded he had discovered an invisible virus.

This case exemplifies how germ theory’s growing influence led to attributing disease to invisible particles rather than considering environmental factors, even when evidence suggested otherwise. This established a pattern of assuming viral causation without proper scientific demonstration, a practice that continues in modern virology.

Question 8: How has technological advancement influenced virus detection methods?

Technological developments, particularly in genetic sequencing, have dramatically changed virus detection methods while paradoxically moving further from scientific rigor. The cost of sequencing has fallen from over US$5000 per raw megabase in 2001 to $0.005 by mid-2021, while Next Generation Sequencing has massively reduced processing time. This has led to an increasing reliance on computational methods rather than physical isolation and characterization.

These advances have accelerated virology’s departure from proper scientific methodology by enabling the creation of theoretical genomic sequences through computer modeling, without requiring demonstration of actual viral particles. The combination of reduced costs and shortened timeframes has encouraged the substitution of digital constructs for physical evidence.

Question 9: What role did the Rous sarcoma experiments play in virology’s development?

Peyton Rous‘s 1911 experiments with chicken sarcomas became foundational to virology despite significant methodological flaws. His work involved grinding up tumor material, filtering it, and injecting it directly into other chickens, with tumors in recipient birds being claimed as evidence of a viral agent. However, the experiments failed to demonstrate the existence of an infectious and replicating particle.

The subsequent awarding of a Nobel prize in 1966 for this work, despite evidence showing similar effects could be produced with non-viral materials, exemplifies how virology has maintained and legitimized flawed methodologies. This case demonstrates how uncontrolled experiments and indirect observations became accepted as valid evidence in the field.

Question 10: How has the definition of “infection” changed in modern virology?

The traditional definition of infection, derived from the Latin inficere meaning ‘to stain,’ referred to a disease state caused by invading microorganisms that reproduce and multiply, causing cellular injury or toxic effects. However, modern virology, particularly through WHO definitions, has disconnected the concept of infection from actual disease symptoms, allowing for “asymptomatic infections” based solely on molecular test results.

This redefinition represents a significant departure from established medical understanding and enables the classification of healthy individuals as “infected” based on PCR test results alone, without any clinical evidence of disease. This changing definition has had profound implications for public health policies and pandemic responses.

Question 11: How did Fan Wu et al. claim to discover SARS-CoV-2?

Fan Wu’s team used deep meta-transcriptomic sequencing on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from a single patient with pneumonia. Through this process, they generated 56,565,928 short sequence reads and used computer software platforms Megahit and Trinity for de novo algorithm-based assembly. The longest assembled sequence was claimed to have 89.1% nucleotide similarity to a bat coronavirus, leading to their declaration of a new virus.

The methodology never demonstrated physical isolation of a virus particle but instead relied on computer modeling and comparison to existing genetic databases. The team’s conclusions were based on statistical analysis and genomic similarities rather than proving the existence of a replication-competent pathogenic particle, marking a departure from traditional scientific standards for identifying new pathogens.

Question 12: What evidence exists for SARS-CoV-2’s physical isolation?

As of September 2022, not one of 209 health or science institutions across 35 countries has provided direct evidence of SARS-CoV-2 isolation through Freedom of Information requests. When asked for proof of virus isolation from human subjects, institutions consistently fail to demonstrate purification of viral particles through standard scientific methods such as maceration, filtration, and ultracentrifugation.

Instead of physical isolation, institutions refer to tissue culture experiments and genetic sequencing as evidence. However, these methods do not demonstrate the existence of a virus, as they rely on detecting genetic sequences and observing cellular effects without proving these phenomena are caused by a replication-competent viral particle.

Question 13: How was the SARS-CoV-2 genome constructed?

The SARS-CoV-2 genome was constructed through computer assembly of short genetic fragments found in an unpurified sample. Fan Wu’s team used software to assemble 384,096 contigs, or hypothetical overlapping sequences, with the longest being 30,474 nucleotides. This sequence was then compared to previously existing coronavirus templates in genetic databases.

The process relied heavily on computer algorithms and pre-existing genetic templates rather than demonstrating that the assembled sequence came from an actual viral particle. The genome was essentially created in silico (on computer) without establishing the physical source or biological significance of the genetic material being sequenced.

Question 14: What role did computer modeling play in SARS-CoV-2 identification?

Computer modeling served as the primary tool for constructing and validating the alleged SARS-CoV-2 genome. The process involved using software platforms like Megahit and Trinity to assemble millions of short genetic sequences into longer continuous sequences. These assembled sequences were then compared to existing database entries to declare similarity to known coronavirus sequences.

This computational approach replaced traditional physical isolation and characterization methods, allowing for the theoretical construction of a viral genome without requiring proof that the genetic material originated from a virus. The modeling process essentially created a digital entity that became the reference point for all subsequent testing and identification methods.

Question 15: How were early SARS-CoV-2 sequences validated?

Early SARS-CoV-2 sequences were validated primarily through comparison to other computer-generated sequences, particularly bat coronavirus templates like bat SL-CoVZC45. The validation process did not include demonstrating that the sequences came from infectious particles but rather relied on percentage similarities to previously deposited genetic sequences in databases.

The circularity of this validation process becomes apparent when examining the history of coronavirus templates – none of these reference sequences were ever shown to come from isolated viral particles. The validation process essentially compared new computer constructs to existing computer constructs without establishing biological reality.

Question 16: What is Professor Stephen Bustin’s role in PCR testing development?

Professor Bustin, as a world-renowned expert on quantitative PCR, developed the MIQE Guidelines which outline crucial considerations for PCR experiments, including analytical and diagnostic specificity requirements. Despite establishing these important guidelines, Bustin’s response to the use of PCR in COVID-19 testing revealed inconsistencies between his established standards and actual practice.

While Bustin acknowledged that calling coronavirus PCR results positive at 36-37 cycles was “absolute nonsense,” he appeared to support the broader misuse of PCR testing during the pandemic. His position demonstrated the disconnect between proper PCR validation standards and the way the technology was implemented for COVID-19 diagnostics.

Question 17: How does PCR testing relate to virus identification?

PCR testing amplifies selected genetic sequences but cannot determine their origin or significance. The process requires knowing the sequence being targeted beforehand and cannot independently identify new viruses or prove viral existence. PCR simply manufactures more copies of whatever genetic sequence it is programmed to replicate.

The fundamental limitation of PCR in virus identification is that it cannot establish whether detected sequences come from infectious particles or have any clinical significance. Its use as a diagnostic tool represents a misapplication of a molecular manufacturing technique as a method for detecting viral infections.

Question 18: What are the key limitations of PCR testing in viral diagnostics?

PCR testing cannot distinguish between infectious and non-infectious genetic material, nor can it establish the presence of intact viruses. The technique simply detects and amplifies specific genetic sequences without providing information about their biological context or significance. Furthermore, the process requires primers designed to match specific sequences, meaning it can only find what it is specifically programmed to look for.

Another crucial limitation is the lack of clinical validation studies establishing the relationship between PCR results and actual disease states. The analytical specificity of detecting genetic sequences has been confused with diagnostic specificity for viral infections, leading to the misuse of PCR as a diagnostic tool rather than a laboratory research technique.

Question 19: How were PCR cycle thresholds determined for SARS-CoV-2?

PCR cycle thresholds for SARS-CoV-2 testing were implemented without proper scientific validation studies establishing their clinical significance. The use of high cycle thresholds (up to 40-45 cycles) in many testing protocols went against established principles of PCR reliability, with experts like Stephen Bustin noting that results at 36-37 cycles were meaningless.

The determination of cycle thresholds appeared to be arbitrary and lacked correlation with actual infectious status or disease state. This fundamental flaw in the testing protocol meant that positive results could be generated from clinically insignificant amounts of genetic material, leading to false positives and overdiagnosis.

Question 20: What constitutes analytical versus diagnostic specificity in PCR testing?

Analytical specificity refers to the PCR test’s ability to detect specific target sequences accurately, while diagnostic specificity relates to the test’s ability to correctly identify individuals without a given condition. This crucial distinction was often overlooked in COVID-19 testing, where analytical specificity in detecting genetic sequences was incorrectly equated with diagnostic specificity for viral infection.

The failure to establish proper diagnostic specificity through clinical validation studies meant that PCR testing was being used to diagnose viral infections solely based on the presence of genetic sequences, without demonstrating any correlation between test results and actual disease states. This represents a fundamental misapplication of laboratory technology in clinical diagnostics.

Question 21: What is metagenomic sequencing and how is it used in virology?

Metagenomic sequencing analyses entire nucleotide sequences from all organisms in a bulk sample, typically microbes. In virology, it’s used as a “culture-independent” technique to identify claimed viral sequences directly from clinical samples. The process involves extracting all genetic material from a sample, fragmenting it into short sequences, and using computer algorithms to assemble these fragments into longer sequences.

The critical flaw in this methodology lies in its inability to determine the origin or significance of the genetic sequences it identifies. While virologists claim this technology represents advancement, it actually moves further from scientific rigor by eliminating the requirement to demonstrate that sequences come from actual viral particles. Instead, sequences are arbitrarily designated as viral based on database comparisons.

Question 22: How does Next Generation Sequencing influence viral identification?

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) emerged around 2005, dramatically reducing both the time and cost of genetic sequencing. While traditional sequencing of the human genome took 15 years and cost approximately 100 million dollars, NGS methods can accomplish similar tasks in months for a fraction of the cost. This technological advancement has led to increased reliance on computational methods rather than physical isolation.

The speed and reduced cost of NGS have accelerated virology’s departure from proper scientific methodology. Instead of requiring physical isolation and characterization of viral particles, the field now primarily relies on computer modeling and database comparisons. This shift has enabled the rapid creation of theoretical viral genomes without establishing their biological reality.

Question 23: What role do genetic databases play in virus identification?

Genetic databases like GISAID serve as repositories for claimed viral sequences, with over 12.8 million entries for SARS-CoV-2 by August 2022. These databases function as self-referential systems where new sequences are validated primarily through comparison to previously deposited sequences, none of which were proven to come from actual viruses.

This creates a circular validation system where sequences are considered viral simply because they match other sequences previously labeled as viral. The process does not require demonstration that any of these sequences originated from infectious particles, creating an expanding database of theoretical constructs rather than verified viral genomes.

Question 24: How are viral sequences assembled from raw genetic data?

Raw genetic data is processed through software platforms like Megahit and Trinity, which use algorithmic approaches to assemble short sequence fragments into longer continuous sequences. These platforms generate multiple possible assemblies, with researchers typically selecting the longest ones that show similarity to existing database entries labeled as viral.

This assembly process relies heavily on computer modeling and comparison to existing templates rather than biological validation. The resulting sequences are declared viral without demonstrating their origin from actual viral particles or their biological significance. This represents a departure from scientific methodology in favor of computational pattern matching.

Question 25: What validation methods exist for genomic sequences?

Current validation methods for genomic sequences primarily involve comparing newly assembled sequences to existing database entries and checking for contamination during the sequencing process. The WHO’s guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing, for example, only require negative controls like water or buffer to rule out contamination.

These validation methods fail to address the fundamental issue of proving that sequences originate from actual viral particles. The process validates the technical aspects of sequence assembly while ignoring the need to establish biological reality and significance of the sequences being analyzed.

Question 26: How have major health institutions responded to virus isolation queries?

Health institutions worldwide have consistently failed to provide evidence of virus isolation when questioned through Freedom of Information requests. The CDC, WHO, and various national health agencies have either admitted they lack evidence of physical virus isolation or provided evasive responses referring to tissue culture experiments and genetic sequencing as substitutes for actual isolation.

Some institutions, like the UK Health Security Agency, have claimed that providing detailed information about virus isolation methods would pose a national security risk. These responses reveal a systemic inability to demonstrate the physical existence of claimed viral particles while attempting to maintain the appearance of scientific legitimacy.

Question 27: What role has the WHO played in establishing viral testing standards?

The WHO has played a central role in promoting and standardizing testing methods that lack proper scientific validation. They accepted and promoted the Corman-Drosten PCR protocols in January 2020 before the paper was even published, establishing testing standards that would be adopted globally without proper clinical validation.

The organization also changed critical definitions, including what constitutes a pandemic and infection, allowing for diagnosis based solely on molecular test results rather than clinical symptoms. These changes facilitated the implementation of testing protocols that lacked scientific rigor while appearing to maintain technical standards.

Question 28: How have Freedom of Information requests revealed institutional practices?

Freedom of Information requests have systematically exposed the inability of health institutions to provide evidence of virus isolation or proper control experiments. By September 2022, 209 institutions across 35 countries failed to provide documentation of SARS-CoV-2 purification from human samples through standard isolation techniques.

These requests have revealed a pattern of institutions either admitting they lack direct evidence or attempting to redefine what constitutes isolation and evidence. This documentation has provided crucial evidence of the gap between public claims about virus isolation and the actual scientific evidence available.

Question 29: What security claims have been made regarding virus research methods?

Some institutions, notably the UK Health Security Agency, have claimed that revealing details about virus isolation methods would constitute a national security risk. They have cited concerns about biosecurity and potential misuse of information as reasons for withholding methodological details about virus cultivation and characterization.

These security claims appear paradoxical given that the institutions cannot demonstrate the existence of the viruses they claim to be protecting information about. The use of security classifications seems to serve more as a mechanism for avoiding scrutiny of methodological failures than protecting legitimate security interests.

Question 30: How have different countries approached virus validation?

Different countries have shown remarkable consistency in their inability to provide evidence of virus isolation while maintaining claims about viral detection. From New Zealand’s ESR to Britain’s UKHSA to Germany’s RKI, institutions have uniformly failed to demonstrate proper isolation or validation of claimed viral particles.

Despite this universal lack of direct evidence, countries have generally adopted similar approaches to virus detection, relying on PCR testing and genetic sequencing rather than physical isolation and characterization. This global consistency suggests a systematic problem in virology’s methodology rather than isolated institutional failures.

Question 31: What constitutes virus purification in modern virology?

Modern virology has substantially altered the traditional meaning of purification while maintaining its use as a technical term. The process now typically involves density gradient centrifugation, but this method is rarely applied to demonstrate virus existence. When researchers claim purification, they often refer to filtered tissue culture materials without demonstrating isolation of actual viral particles.

The problem extends to commercial products like Roche’s “High Pure Viral RNA Kit,” which claims to isolate viral RNA but cannot actually differentiate between viral and non-viral genetic material. This redefinition of purification represents another example of virology changing established scientific terms to support its methodological claims without maintaining scientific rigor.

Question 32: How are cell cultures used in virus identification?

Cell cultures, particularly Vero E6 monkey kidney cells, are used as proxy evidence for viral existence through observation of cellular breakdown effects (CPEs). Researchers add clinical samples to these cultures and interpret any resulting cell death as evidence of viral presence. However, these experiments lack proper controls comparing similar samples without alleged viral content.

The choice of cell lines appears to be based on their susceptibility to breakdown rather than biological relevance. For example, when attempting to culture SARS-CoV-2, researchers had no success with human respiratory cells but claimed success with monkey kidney cells, highlighting the problematic nature of these methods.

Question 33: What role do antibody studies play in virus validation?

Antibody studies employ circular reasoning to claim viral existence. Proteins are injected into animals, generating immune responses that produce other proteins labeled as antibodies. These antibodies are then declared specific to viruses without ever demonstrating that the original proteins came from viral particles.

This methodology was exposed when a University of Queensland COVID-19 vaccine candidate caused all recipients to test positive for HIV antibodies, despite no viral exposure. This incident demonstrated how antibody detection does not prove viral existence or specific immune responses to particular viruses.

Question 34: How are viral proteins identified and characterized?

Viral proteins are typically identified through association with genetic sequences claimed to be viral, rather than through isolation from purified viral particles. Researchers often use mass spectrometry or other analytical techniques on unpurified samples, attributing certain protein signatures to viruses without demonstrating their viral origin.

The characterization process relies heavily on comparison to database entries and computer modeling rather than direct isolation and verification. This approach creates a self-referential system where proteins are declared viral based on similarity to other proteins previously labeled as viral, without establishing their true origin.

Question 35: What methods are used to determine viral pathogenicity?

Viral pathogenicity studies often involve uncontrolled animal experiments where unpurified samples are introduced through unnatural routes, such as direct injection into brain tissue or airways. These experiments typically lack proper controls comparing similar biological materials without alleged viral content.

The interpretation of results often ignores alternative explanations for observed effects, such as tissue damage from experimental procedures or toxic effects from the sample materials themselves. This methodology fails to establish causal relationships between claimed viral particles and observed pathological effects.

Question 36: How does the lab leak theory relate to virus isolation evidence?

The lab leak theory maintains the existence of SARS-CoV-2 while debating its origin, distracting from the fundamental issue that no virus has been physically isolated and proven to exist. This narrative keeps alive the illusion of viral existence while focusing debate on subsidiary issues.

The theory gains credibility through discussion of genetic sequences and laboratory procedures without addressing the lack of evidence for viral isolation. This represents another example of how virology maintains its claims through narrative rather than scientific demonstration.

Question 37: What impact has automated sequencing had on virus identification?

Automated sequencing technology has accelerated the trend away from physical viral isolation toward computational modeling. The dramatic reduction in sequencing costs and time has encouraged reliance on genetic database comparisons rather than direct demonstration of viral particles.

This technological advancement has paradoxically moved virology further from scientific rigor by enabling rapid creation of theoretical viral genomes without requiring physical evidence. The speed and accessibility of these methods have helped normalize the substitution of computer models for biological reality.

Question 38: How do current virus identification methods differ from historical approaches?

Early virus research attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to demonstrate physical isolation and characterization of viral particles. Modern methods have largely abandoned these attempts in favor of indirect evidence through genetic sequencing and computer modeling.

This shift represents a fundamental change in methodology rather than scientific advancement. While early researchers failed to isolate viruses, modern virology has redefined its terms and methods to avoid the requirement for physical isolation altogether.

Question 39: What role does consensus play in accepting viral sequences?

Consensus in modern virology operates through shared database usage and acceptance of computer-generated sequences rather than through scientific verification. Sequences are accepted as viral based on similarity to existing database entries and agreement among researchers using similar methodologies.

This consensus-based approach replaces scientific demonstration with procedural agreement. The system maintains itself through circular reference to existing sequences and standardized methodologies rather than through empirical verification of viral existence.

Question 40: How has virology’s methodology influenced public health policies?

Virology’s methodological failures have enabled the implementation of public health policies based on unproven assumptions about viral existence and transmission. The acceptance of indirect evidence and redefined terminology has allowed for diagnostic testing and intervention strategies without scientific validation.

The field’s departure from scientific rigor has facilitated the creation of pandemic responses based on detection of genetic sequences rather than demonstration of disease-causing agents. This has profound implications for public health decision-making and medical interventions.

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A Farewell to Virology Parts 1, 2 and 3

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Brian Root
Brian Root
1 month ago

If you want to say goodbye to your Fear of Contagion, and so-long to the dis-ease that can cause, this article is your answer.

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