Chesterton Against Servility

Chesterton Against Servility

Chesterton wants to insist that no matter how hard or unlikely it might be for us to reestablish a decent human society, it is possible, if very difficult, to get there from here.

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A matter of life and death

A matter of life and death

The entity of death’s societies are dead things, in which its top-down control stamps out any possibility of choice, self-determination or the expression of a culture which comes from the shared human heart.

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A yearning with no name

A yearning with no name

We are never supposed to challenge the wisdom and long-term feasibility of the “inevitable” advance of Progress, economic growth and industrial development: the thought-box only allows us to discuss the means by which all this should be managed.

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The king and the criminocrats

The king and the criminocrats

Because the criminocracy presents its agenda as benevolent and progressive, others will be happily working for its global machineries without ever seeing the dark reality behind the rainbow-coloured facade.

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