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De-industrialisation is the last thing the criminocracy would support, since its entire project is built on expanding Technik as a means of both extracting profit and exerting control – so that further profit can be extracted!
Be radically anti-modern: take a day off. We need this space within time though to recover our own full existence and our co-existence with the world and our fellows in natural freedom.
Presenting a life-affirming worldview that is diametrically opposed to that of the dark enslaving empire, Mr. Cudenec says: “The global criminocracy’s ongoing domination of our societies depends on deceit – constant, blatant deceit in every sphere.
The modern world entails a “compulsion to authenticity;” the bringing of the self under the reign of the market-economic worldview such that we must produce identities much as we produce anything else.
The global criminocrats can’t have people clinging to old-fashioned beliefs in the importance of local community, culture and connection to place!
Anti-authoritarians used to say there was a policeman inside of each of our heads and we had to kill that policeman. We did. He was substituted by a boss inside our head. No boss can drive us like we can drive ourselves.
It is time to move past the era of followers and leaders, peasants and princes, worshipers and saviors, minions and tyrants, corporations and consumers and usher in the age of self governed and self reliant human beings.
Being able to think freely and to not have to self censor because of the fear of disagreement or giving ‘offence’ is actually very liberating!