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In part, resistance is about flying under the radar of the authorities. It’s about starting to build the new world we want to see inside the shell of the increasingly dystopian one we’re currently forced to endure.
Voting is not a ‘right’, but a profound wrong, bestowing the same fake and calamitous ‘legitimacy’ on unscrupulous parasites as the so-called ‘divine right’ of kings. Voting violates Natural Law and everything humane. It is an act of evil.
Real democracy would involve the localisation of decision-making, the end of global corporate imperialism and the restoration to communities everywhere of the right to shape their own destinies.
After both world wars, the idea of a “post-war” reality, to which people had to adapt, was used to ramp up industrialism and modernity, destroying traditional agriculture and communities and declaring old ways of thinking and living as being unsuited to the brave new normal.
Growing awareness of the nature of the ruling mafia also brings us deeper understanding of what our resistance represents and what is at stake.
Anyone who sets out the existence and nature of this entity – the criminocracy, as Mr. Cudenec calls it – is liable to be insulted from all sides as being as a “conspiracy theorist” of the “far left” or “extreme right”, an “enemy of democracy”, a supporter of “terrorism”, a “liar” or an “anti-semite”.
Revolutions become possible only when enough members of some political society are not only able to imagine such alternatives, but are prepared to participate in realising them in order to achieve their common good.
We have to break down the walls of dogma that divide us, deconstruct the very language with which we have learned to express ourselves, peel away all the levels of manipulation that keep us confused and powerless.