The WEF are life-hating liars

The WEF are life-hating liars

The UN and associated organisations are the “public” part of the Global Public Private Partnership, providing the legal infrastructure by means of which their private sector partners can profit, at the expense of humanity and nature.

Anarchy, alchemy and awakening

Anarchy, alchemy and awakening

The anarchist vision is so profoundly at odds with everything on which our current society is based – all that domination, exploitation and control enforced by state-sanctioned violence – that it is not possible to be an anarchist and not feel alienated from that world and the mindset that uncritically accepts it.

Form, essence, lies and truth

Form, essence, lies and truth

Our deepest opinions, our real principles, come from an essential truth which is the source of our very being and can never be altered by the endless lies of those with all the power that money can buy.

Fighting off the Encroachment

Fighting off the Encroachment

We are spurred on in our apparently futile efforts by the certain knowledge that if ever a large part of the crowd wakes up, turns round and heads back in the opposite direction, the stormtroopers will be trampled underfoot as we throng joyously and triumphantly into freedom.

Ramping up the global inquisition

Ramping up the global inquisition

Criticism of the pharmaceutical-financial complex can credibly be “debunked” by that same system? Highlighting dangers to people’s health is, in itself, “dangerous”? Professionals with the courage to tell the truth as they see it are misleading the public with “extreme fringe” views?

Denying reality: a dangerous delusion

Denying reality: a dangerous delusion

On a metaphysical level, postanarchists, like all postmodernists, deny that there is any essence behind anything in the world. Nothing in the human mind is innate and there is no such thing as human nature.

Resisting Techno-Tyranny: A Dialogue

Resisting Techno-Tyranny: A Dialogue

Without the foundations of authentic anarchist thinking, these hollowed-out zombie anarchists were easily led into the absurd positions of supporting fascistic state control and medication on the basis of defending the “common good” as defined by our rulers.

Emma Goldman: What is patriotism?

Emma Goldman: What is patriotism?

Patriotism—the principle that will justify the training of wholesale murderers; a trade that requires better equipment in the exercise of man-killing than the making of such necessities as shoes, clothing, and houses; a trade that guarantees better returns and greater glory than that of the honest workingman.

Empire of Hypocrisy

Empire of Hypocrisy

What decent citizen could possibly have a problem with an empire which is “a compelling force for good” working to “eradicate poverty”, to bring about “peace and harmony” and “a better world for our children”?

The End of Their World is the Beginning of Ours!

The End of Their World is the Beginning of Ours!

A society which sees nature only as a resource to be exploited will behave very differently from one which understands itself as existing in symbiosis with a multiplicity of life-forms, all of whom belong to a super-organism and possess an intrinsic worth.