Our Quest for Freedom: Realising

Our Quest for Freedom: Realising

In 2020 this society showed its true face. This was not just on the TV, although the TV played its part. The monster stepped out of its mind-control screens and into our living rooms.

Our Quest for Freedom and other essays

Our Quest for Freedom and other essays

We might reach a free future by means of a number of interrelated stages: Realising; Remembering; Yearning; Exposing; Explaining; Proposing; Meaning; Motivating; Becoming; Inspiring; Preparing; Boycotting; Building and Defending.

Dogs Bark (Deep Resistance Part 3)

Dogs Bark (Deep Resistance Part 3)

Anyone who succeeds in rejecting unnatural and unreasonable social conventions will have joined a group that is small and in some ways set apart. They will also have cultivated a high level of character and be courageous in their opposition to shams.

Israel-Hamas and the Great Reset

Israel-Hamas and the Great Reset

It’s time for us to be more eagle-eyed and alert to the stealthy moves on the geopolitical chessboard which facilitate long-term strategic visions of disaster capitalists who want a critical mass on board with the UN 2030 SDGs.

1984/2024 – The hidden hope in Orwell’s warning

1984/2024 – The hidden hope in Orwell’s warning

It’s up to us to draw inspiration from our ancestral memory of natural order, to see through the system’s lies, to band together in small groups and form knots of resistance that will keep the tattered flag of freedom flying proudly in the years to come.

The Carousel

The Carousel

Those of you who saw through lockdowns, through the fraudulent vaccine, stepping back on to the carousel via war in Ukraine or The Middle East. Everything is a lie, everything you see, everything you hear they just keep coming.

Catastrophe (Egalitarian Anti-Modernism Part 9)

Catastrophe (Egalitarian Anti-Modernism Part 9)

There is another tradition of resistance to the modern world that has very different ideals and can serve as the basis of an old-new radical philosophy of natural and cosmic belonging, inspiring humanity to step away from the nightmare transhumanist slave-world into which we are today being herded.

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