Cogs of corruption and control

Cogs of corruption and control

Public money supposedly deployed to “fight poverty” or “save the planet” is in fact being used to build a nightmarish “smart” world, an all-inclusive digital slave-labour camp in which both human and natural capital are sources of sustainable enrichment and power for the global parasites.

Enemies of the People: privatising power

Enemies of the People: privatising power

The Rothschild banking and industrial dynasty has long used financial leverage to exercise control over governments and thus facilitate massive transfers of public wealth into private hands.

Shining light on the climate of manipulation

Shining light on the climate of manipulation

The “climate justice” movement is a manufactured one, created by the billionaire class as a PR tool that will enable them to raid the public purse, under the pretext of a climate “emergency”, and channel trillions of dollars into their own pockets.

The Mortal God Drops Its Mask

The Mortal God Drops Its Mask

Such ‘gods’ always overreach and are never as omnipotent and omniscient as they believe. While history may be littered with failed rebellions, it is no less littered with failed empires, totalitarianisms, tyrannies, despotisms, and other would be pseudo-deities.

BRICS in the wall of global greed

BRICS in the wall of global greed

Many fellow anti-imperialists are rejoicing at what appears to be the collapse of this Western empire and its imminent replacement by a “multi-polar world order” based on the BRICS countries. However, they would do well to bear in mind that a world order is still a world order, whether or not it terms itself “multi-polar”.

The money behind the smears

The money behind the smears

It seems very strange to Mr. Cudenec that “anarchists” would use fabricated political smears to cancel criticism of rich and powerful movers and shakers in the medico-pharmaceutic complex and in the global banking system.

Woke is fascist

Woke is fascist

No other movement since fascism has been as adept as woke at creating a nexus for cultural, legal and political change to shore up a failing capitalism

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