Remembering the Paris Commune

Remembering the Paris Commune

Once elected the new radical Commune began several programs of wide ranging social reform which would have been ambitious in a new national government but in an impoverished city under siege by it own National Assembly was optimistic to the point of delusion.

Resisting and revealing the plutocratic occupation

Resisting and revealing the plutocratic occupation

In WEF leader Klaus Schwab’s 2020 book Covid-19: The Great Reset he specifically named the Gilets Jaunes in his warning that “social unrest” and a “political and societal backlash against globalization” presented a “sombre scenario” for the interests he represents.

Work. Order. Progress.

Work. Order. Progress.

The Rothschilds have been heavily involved in everything to do with industrialisation for the last 200 years, as major players in railways, mining, steel, oil, chemicals, plastics, pharmaceutics, uranium and the nuclear industry.

Taoism, Divinity and the New Anarchism

Taoism, Divinity and the New Anarchism

In restoring magic to its rightful place within philosophy, Mr. Cudenec does not fall into superstition or blind faith. Rather, what he offers is an anarchist conception of God, or Divinity, or Spirit, or whatever it is that you want to call the mysterious life-force animating the universe.

Adieu to the illusion of democracy

Adieu to the illusion of democracy

For the ruling clique and its corporate media, of course, the shocking element was that people are increasingly refusing to be simply trampled underfoot, or scared off the streets, by an army of “lawful” enforcers of the Rule of Greed.

The Naive Belief in Governmental Benevolence

The Naive Belief in Governmental Benevolence

Despite a list of State atrocities over the lifespan of our human species that is nearly infinite, we here in the post-World War II West, refuse to countenance the idea of a murderous power elite masquerading as government for the good of all.

Macron’s tear gas tour

Macron’s tear gas tour

With hundreds of tooled-up gendarmes ensuring nobody but the invited few got anywhere near him, Macron’s visit to Ganges, like the previous day’s trip to Alsace, hardly spoke of a desire for dialogue.

Remembering who we are

Remembering who we are

The global gangsters’ plastic excuse for a “philosophy” imagines that people are merely separate individuals, random units that can be brought together or separated from each other by the firm hand of their authority.

Emma Goldman: Anarchism—What it really stands for.

Emma Goldman: Anarchism—What it really stands for.

Real wealth consists in things of utility and beauty, in things that help to create strong, beautiful bodies and surroundings inspiring to live in. But if man is doomed to wind cotton around a spool, or dig coal, or build roads for thirty years of his life, there can be no talk of wealth. What he gives to the world is only gray and hideous things, reflecting a dull and hideous existence,–too weak to live, too cowardly to die.

The End of Hope

The End of Hope

The State’s parasitic dependence on its host citizenry is its Achilles’ heel. Citizens are the geese laying golden eggs, and the State is careful not to destroy them all.