
Attorney Tom Renz: Pentagon vaccine data, corruption

interview with Attorney, Tom Renz Mar 10, 2022 Post from Planet Today

Ohio attorney Tom Renz issued a special notice regarding his investigation on the U.S. military’s data about the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. His probe zeroed in on vaccine injuries among service members, which the Department of Defense (DoD) is covering up.

In a March 7 post on his website, the lawyer put forward “critical evidence related to COVID-19, potential government corruption and the safety of our military and citizens” amounting to almost 200 pages. With the assistance of health freedom group Make Americans Free Again, Renz sought to give the 200-page dossier to “every congressperson, governor, state attorney general and as many other elected officials as possible throughout the nation.”

“By putting this document in the hands of every previously mentioned elected official, we are demanding they look at the facts and take a stand,” wrote Renz. He also warned “every elected official and person involved in COVID-19” that they will be put “on notice.”

The attorney continued that the dossier “helps arm We The People with the ability to argue facts” in different public venues, such as school board and town council meetings. He urged Americans to “take this document, print it out, make copies and distribute it to as many people as [they] can.”

The 193-page dossier included several documents, including a presentation from the Food and Drug Administration showing several categories of expected side effects after COVID-19 vaccination. It also included a DoD senior leader briefing document that revealed one-fourth of active duty troops have not completed their vaccination schedules. The document said these service members are subject to being dismissed due to non-compliance.

Renz called for “accountability and redress of grievance” in his special notice. He also issued a question to elected officials reading the dossier: “Given the attached evidence of a cover-up related to the danger of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ – will you stand with our soldiers and the American people or with billionaires, Big Pharma and special interests?”

Pentagon covering up COVID vaccine injuries among military, Renz alleges

Renz pointed out that as per DMED data, miscarriages and cancers following COVID-19 vaccination increased by 300 percent compared to the five-year average within a year’s time. Neurological issues after vaccination also increased from 82,000 to 863,000 within the same time period. Johnson remarked that the increase in post-injection neurological issues was a “ten-fold jump.”

The attorney also revealed the names of the three DOD whistleblowers who provided him with data. “We’ve got three whistleblowers who have given me permission at this point to share their names. All three have given me this data; I have declaration from all three [that] this data is under penalty of perjury. We intend to submit this to the courts,” he told Johnson.

Renz named Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, Dr. Samuel Sigoloff and Lt. Col. Dr. Peter Chambers as the individuals responsible for providing him the data.

“Yet, after we presented this data to Johnson and after he wrote a letter to [Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin], the only response from the DoD was to a ‘fact-checking’ organization stating that a glitch occurred in this database affecting the data from 2016 to 2020,” wrote Renz.

According to a DoD spokesman, the dramatic difference in vaccine injury data stems from a “glitch” in the database. However, the DoD adjusted the figures from 2016 to 2020 to make it consistent with that of 2021 – following scrutiny. “The glitch then magically repaired itself in 2021 despite the fact that the error went unnoticed, until we shared this information in 2022,” the attorney stated.

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