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The President has asked Congress to give the FDA the money and authority it needs to get the supplement “hit list” it wants. Action Alert!
Earlier this week, the Biden Administration released their Fiscal Year 2023 budget. Of immediate concern is the inclusion of a request for legal authority and funds so the FDA can move forward with mandatory product listing for dietary supplements, a burdensome, duplicative, and restrictive requirement we’ve been writing about for some time. It is critical that we let our Congressional representatives know that this policy cannot move forward.
What seems to be happening is this: those who want this policy are pushing hard behind the scenes to get all their ducks in a row to rapidly move this proposal through the legislative process to become law. All the pieces have lined up:
With support from these powerful players, all from the same political party that currently has control of the House, Senate and Presidency, everything has come together for this policy to move rapidly to become law.
So how do we expect them to do it and how can we fight back to stop it? We’ve heard from our insider sources that proponents of the bill are trying to sneak mandatory product registration for supplements into the reauthorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), which is legislation that must pass by September 30, 2022. As we mentioned previously, this is one of the reasons why the next six months are critical to stopping this measure from moving forward, either by preventing it from getting attached to PDUFA or blocking a bill from getting introduced.
Our previous coverage details everything wrong with mandatory product registration for supplements. The problem is that many of your elected officials in Congress still think this proposal is completely harmless. Even though we know the bottom line is that if it gets approved, more than 41,000 supplements could be removed from the market.
Your House and Senate members need to hear from you, their constituent, that this proposal is an enormous waste of taxpayer dollars that you don’t want. We need to flood their inboxes with this message to be sure they hear it. Please share this action alert with others who care about natural health and access to supplements and ask them to also reach out to Congress and tell them to oppose this policy!
Supporters of this proposal are working quickly behind the scenes so there is no time to lose!
Action Alert! Write to Congress and tell them to oppose “mandatory filing” for supplements. Please send your message immediately. Please also forward this alert to three friends and ask them to act. We need all hands on deck to defeat Durbin!