The War on Food and the War on Humanity

The War on Food and the War on Humanity

The very corporations that are responsible for the problems of the prevailing food system merely offer more of the same, this time packaged in a genetically engineered, ecomodernist, fake-green wrapping.

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Let’s cut the crap on gene technology

Let’s cut the crap on gene technology

Society should be asking itself why it needs to trade the security of its regulations for unsecured promises from the visions of genetic engineers, argues molecular biologist Jack Heinemann.

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“Sustainably” Surveilling and Tokenizing Nature

“Sustainably” Surveilling and Tokenizing Nature

The architect of BlackRock’s ETFs has teamed up with a group of companies tied to US intelligence and US government debt trading to tokenize the Amazon rainforest and borgify it with a large-scale sensor network in order to create a new form of “digital gold.”

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The Sound of Enforced Silence

The Sound of Enforced Silence

It will be silence on the imperium’s doings between now and Nov 5. And if Harris is elected in November, getting her through the following four years will require an escalated version of the censorship regime the national-security state.

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A Brief History of Global Capitalism

A Brief History of Global Capitalism

The Left — and I mean ‘the Left’ broadly, so liberals, and both serious and Brooklyn leftists — are in an ideological double-bind. Either they align with an increasingly totalitarian GloboCap or they align with the reactionary backlash against it.

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Preface to Beyond Leviathan

Preface to Beyond Leviathan

The realization of humanity’s emancipation is inconceivable without an appropriate period of consciously regulated transition from the existing order to a qualitatively different one.

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What Is the State & the Challenge To Transcend It?

What Is the State & the Challenge To Transcend It?

John Bellamy Foster points to “Beyond Leviathan” by István Mészáros for insights into the ancient origins of the state and nature of its evolution over thousands of years, the necessity to move beyond the state and how to meet that challenge.

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