Why the US (s)election doesn’t matter a damn
As anyone with half a brain and the courage to use it can clearly see, under those grotesque little masks, they’re just puppets of the same globalism – like pretty much every political figure, commentator, show business personality you can name.
The Preposterous Nature of “Reality”
Now we have the long-planned Internet – ARPANET’s and the Pentagon’s baby – and digital madness with conflicting narratives that are akin to acid-trips. Mental dissociation at its finest.
The History Of “Round Up” and pathways for Glyphosate Detox
This post focuses on historical data, human health implications and ecological impacts pertaining to the systemic biocide called Glyphosate while also providing viable detox/remediation solutions.
Just Say NO to REAL ID Before October 15, 2024
By tying Real ID to travel within the country, the American government is creating an ‘internal passport’ of the sort that oppressive regimes (like North Korea) use to limit their people’s freedom of movement, and to create distinct classes of citizens.
The Secret History of Neoliberalism
Neoliberalism establishes a tollbooth over the essential systems necessary for human survival. This system enables the rich class of oligarchs to use their exclusive capture of assets, assets which the rest of us need, to ensure that we pay way over the odds to them in order to use those assets.
RFK Jr. Is Replicating Bernie Sanders’ Sheepdog Play for MAGA
The move was clever, as it gave Trump plausible deniability about his current stance on his Covid-era policies (e.g. mRNA vaccines) and it made it appear that Kennedy had stood strong to his opposition to those same policies and had perhaps influenced Trump in those matters.
Appalachia: Murder always happens for a reason
Hurricane Helene has arrived just in time to clear out the property owners local to the mining interests in Western North Carolina. Piedmont Lithium was heavily opposed in Gaston County by local residents and commissioners. But now it appears the opposition has been eliminated.
Green Jobs or Greenwashing?
Behind each piece of green technology is extraction. A recent International Energy Agency report estimates that reaching “net zero” by 2050 would require six times the amount of minerals used today.