California Sued Over New “Deepfake” Law
Public officials and public figures are subject to the higher standard of defamation (New York Times v. Sullivan.) However, it is not clear that it will suffice for a law with potential criminal liability and a law with sweeping limits on political speech.
The ‘War Party’ Makes Its Plans
However many foolish voters may be illusioned otherwise, if Harris takes the White House her business will be neither more nor less than managing the imperium —the wars, the provocations, the illegal sanctions and other collective punishments, the terrorist clients in Israel, the neo–Nazis in Kiev.
Don’t Trust the Government
Local government is fundamental not so much because it’s a “laboratory” of democracy but because it’s a school of democracy. Through such accountable and democratic government, Americans learn to be democratic citizens.
On State Department Censorship and Blacklisting
The GEC memo matters because it shows the State Department’s efforts to tie domestic critics to foreign influence, its extraordinary willingness/eagerness to lie even about basic things, and its desperation to conceal almost everything about its work from voters and Congress alike.
From land grabbers to carbon cowboys
Many of the projects involve land deals to set up giant eucalyptus, acacia or bamboo plantations. Typically, these are pasture lands or savannahs that were used until now by local communities for grazing livestock or growing food.
The Violence of Development
The new conclusion advocates for reestablishing humanity’s connections to the land, drawing inspiration from Gandhi’s philosophy and his concept of a ‘non-interventionist lifestyle’.
‘Russian Interference’ 3.0
Before breaking down the latest round of “election interference” accusations, let’s look at what Russia’s “sinister” actions amounted to in 2016 and 2020.
Lab meat down on the farm: It’s going to happen, say advocates
Science fiction down on the farm? What about this? Take some biopsies from live meat animals, put the cells, suspended in nutrients, in large bioreactors, and wait for them to grow into a larger mass that can be processed into products such as burgers and sausages.