When US officials go on about spreading “freedom,” they’re not lying. It’s just their idea of freedom is a state devoted to high profits – free from the political whims of local populations that could degrade an investment’s expected return.
The CIA Does “Soulful Work”
Contemplating U.S. history for the past fifty-five plus years confirms the continuity of government policy for war and economic policies that enrich the wealthy at the expense of the working class and massacre the innocent around the world.
Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare
Stavroula Pabst explores the race to apply emerging neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), in times of both war and peace, expanding conflicts into a new domain — the brain — while perhaps forever changing humans’ relationship with machines.
Cutting the Pentagon Down to Size
by Bill Astore Mar 18, 2024 Also at TomDispatch.com. In an age when American presidents routinely boast of having the world’s finest military, where nearly trillion-dollar war budgets are now a new version of routine, let me bring up one vitally important but seldom...
Let Israel Be An “Independent Nation”
Israel cannot exist without nonstop violence, and it cannot sustain that nonstop violence without the backing of the US imperial war machine.
The Power Behind the Throne and the Bankers’ Forever Wars.
The only group in society to whom the control of collateral makes any difference are the bankers, making them the one main group with the incentive to foment forever wars for control of resources. They won’t hesitate to go nuclear and sacrifice one nation after another to achieve this.
The Minds of Desperate Men
French President Emmanuel Macron, in the role of a modern Romeo, after learning of the demise of his true love, Ukraine, decides to commit suicide by encouraging the dispatch of NATO troops to Ukraine to confront Russia militarily.
Why Are We Letting Creepy AI Pick Bomb Targets?
Google Gemini’s ridiculous image generator got all of the headlines in the last two weeks, but a more important AI announcement went mostly unnoticed.
The Nobodies Are Worth More Than the Bullet That Kills Them
The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the no ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life, screwed every which way.
Gaza Has Suffered the Equivalent of 1,200 September 11th Attacks
The unprecedented scale of destruction Israel has caused in Gaza – an estimated 30,000 civilians are now dead – is the equivalent of more than 1,200 September 11th attacks in the US adjusted for population.
Biden Repeatedly Confuses Ukraine, Russia, and Iraq
It’s not that the president confuses war zones, it’s why he does it, and what the confusion suggests.
How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide
If the nations of the world–particularly the United States and the Arab countries–wanted to stop Israel’s slaughter, torture and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they could do so tomorrow with suspension of oil, arms and technology imports and exports to Israel.