For a ‘Left’ which roundly denounced Trump as ‘literally Hitler’ (and which slandered Canadian truckers who protested vaxx mandates as ridgy-didge fascists), they have been stunningly mute when it comes to actual, Nazi-insignia-wearing fascists in the Ukrainian government and military.
US corporations cash in on Ukraine’s oil and gas
As Ukraine sells off public assets in a privatization spree, US fossil fuel corporations like ExxonMobil, Chevron, Halliburton are in talks to run its oil & gas industry, and the IMF imposes austerity.
Stop Calling The Iraq War A ‘Mistake’
If the invasion of Iraq was a “mistake”, western government officials would be residing in prison cells at The Hague, countless pundits and journalists would now be working behind cash registers in retail shops, and US foreign policy would have undergone a massive, dramatic overhaul.
Ukraine: The War That Went Wrong
NATO support for the war in Ukraine, designed to degrade the Russian military and drive Vladimir Putin from power, is not going according to plan. The new sophisticated military hardware won’t help.
US aid to Ukraine invested in crypto FTX scheme
The sudden collapse of a crypto exchange linked to the Democratic Party in the US, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 billion in liabilities and virtually no assets. And among those liabilities, are “investments” made by Ukraine’s leadership clique.
Ukraine and the Politics of Permanent War
The war industry, deified by the mass media, including the entertainment industry, is never held accountable for the military fiascos, cost overruns, dud weapons systems and profligate waste.
Western Officials Admit Ukraine Is Crawling With CIA Personnel
Ukraine is crawling with special forces and spies from the US and its allies, which would seem to contradict earlier reports that the US intelligence cartel is having trouble getting intel about what’s happening on the ground in Ukraine.
Unanimous Dem Support for the $40b War Package to for Ukraine
“The US Anti-War Left is Dead. The Squad’s $40b War Vote Just Killed It.” Many Dems voting YES have long denounced exactly these sorts of bills. What happened?
$33 Billion More For the War in Ukraine. Which Americans Benefit?
Biden is demanding a mammoth military aid package for Ukraine. Why is the US tax payer bankrolling the war in Ukraine, and who stands to gain from this?
Ukraine War: Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death
The doctrine of permanent war dominated our lives during the Cold War and dominates our lives now. The decision to spurn the possibility of peaceful coexistence with Russia at the end of the Cold War is one of the most egregious crimes of the late 20th century.
Russian invasion of Ukraine justified if it were for biodefense?
The weapons of war have evolved. Bioweapons technologies have matured. What would the USA do if Russia was transforming Mexico into a client state and had placed biowarfare research laboratories along our southern border?
Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda, by Whitney Webb
The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread far beyond Ukraine’s borders with major implications for Biden’s “War on Domestic Terror”