Big Agriculture, Empty Food, Chronic Disease
Half of the American population have chronic diseases, utilizing 86 percent of health care dollars. Oftentimes the blame is placed on those who are ill for their lifestyle choices. But the numbers tell a different story: as small farmers started getting squeezed out of food production and agriculture became dominated by a smaller number of huge agribusinesses, the quality of our food dropped precipitously.
Saving the Banana the Non-GMO Way
For over 20 years in news story after news story they’ve been telling us that only GM can save the banana – and yet again, such claims turn out not to be true, a report by GMWatch recently stated.
Biden’s Budget Proposal: Implications for Natural Health
Deep within the FDA’s 400 page justification of their budget estimates are a number of insights on the Administration’s views on some of ANH’s top priorities.
Fake Food Is Taking Over Our Tables
Artificial food advocates are reiterating the old and failed rhetoric that industrial agriculture is essential to feed the world. Real, nutrient-rich food is gradually disappearing, while the dominant industrial agricultural model is causing an increase in chronic diseases and exacerbating climate change.
Biden’s Supplement “Hit List” Explained
A well-organized, coordinated campaign from the FDA and Big Pharma is threatening access to the supplements you depend on. Using the false premise that supplements are unsafe, the FDA is working to gain more power over the regulation of supplements in order to further solidify Big Pharma’s monopoly over medicine.
NAC: Feds Approve the Poison, Threaten the Cure
The FDA is threatening to ban NAC supplements because the agency claims it was sold as a drug before it was a supplement; meanwhile, Big Pharma is hoping to turn it into an expensive drug using a new indication.
A pandemic retrospective and vision for a new humanity
The pandemic has continued to take its natural course into the narrative of human history this year. Collectively, we must come to terms with the evidence of widespread harm we have engineered in humanity and our planet through the bureaucratic “public health” interventions that have accelerated economic, agronomic, and biologic collapse around the world.
The Legal Right to Refuse Medical Treatment in the U.S.A.
Legal right to refuse treatment: 57 pages with summaries of key cases, discussion of the major issues raised by each case, and important insights into how the courts have interpreted these precedents over the years.