You Won’t Believe What the Feds Said About Cell Phone Radiation
Scientists around the world have been sounding the alarm about the potential dangers and health implications of exposure to EMF—not to mention the risks posed to natural ecosystems.
Stand Against Totalitarian Medicine
Your health freedom is being threatened by the development of a global, centralized, undemocratic public health apparatus that aims to give primacy of control over pandemic responses to the unaccountable WHO.
The Final Nail in Psychiatry’s Antidepressant Coffin
Historically, establishment psychiatry and Big Pharma have routinely made declarations about mental illness causes and treatments that are, soon after being declared, disproven by research.
Wheat intolerance might be due to glyphosate
Glyphosate may be “critical environmental trigger” in wheat sensitivity, bowel diseases, and some mental illnesses, say scientists.
How Big Pharma Sold Depression and Its Treatment to the World
Why antidepressants fail many patients and a review of the forgotten cures for depression.
Don’t Irradiate the Birds!
The birds — some captive-raised and some wild — were released into the forest between October 27 and October 30, 2019. By November 16, every bird was dead except the three who had succeeded in removing or disabling their transmitter.