Evidence of heart disease after COVID shot exists, fear of publication.

Evidence of heart disease after COVID shot exists, fear of publication.

A world-renowned cardiology expert warned of a link between the hastily developed COVID-19 injections and heart disease. He said on UK television that cardiology researchers have found evidence to support this, but are too afraid of losing money from the drug companies to publish the proof.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Why No One Can Force You to Get the COVID Jab

Dr. Meryl Nass: Why No One Can Force You to Get the COVID Jab

Dr. Nass: “The FDA has become Clown World, and what they do now is to perform a charade of all the normal regulatory processes that they are expected to do, but they’re only doing them in an abbreviated or peculiar manner so that they don’t really collect the important data.”

Peace Literacy—The Best Defense

Peace Literacy—The Best Defense

Peace literacy, as Chappell sees it, enables us to confront the root causes of problems rather than just their surface symptoms. It includes the capacities and skills needed to create shared trust, build strong communities, increase realistic hope, reduce injustice, heal trauma on an individual and societal level, use technology with discernment, and solve national and global problems.

22 Studies that Raise Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy

22 Studies that Raise Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy

22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population by Paul Elias Alexander Oct 28, 2021 he evidence is pouring in that the COVID-19 vaccines are not as efficacious as advertised against the Delta...

How Dangerous is COVID for Children?

How Dangerous is COVID for Children?

Many parents understandably approached this school year with trepidation at the thought of their children returning to in-person learning during a pandemic and the rise of viral variants. A survey of the data we have thus far should provide some comfort to worried parents about the risks faced by children.

Dr. Vandana Shiva—Divide & Rule

Dr. Vandana Shiva—Divide & Rule

The solutions to Food Crisis, Biodiversity Erosion and the Climate emergency lie in making peace with the Earth, recognising that the Earth is living, her biodiversity and biosphere regulate her climate, and are the ecological foundation of food production.

Worldwide Protests Target Global Corporate Food Empire

Worldwide Protests Target Global Corporate Food Empire

People’s movements and civil society groups say the United Nations Food Systems Summit is a platform for consolidating corporate control over food and agriculture, and perpetuating neoliberal food systems that wreak havoc on the lives of small food producers, who supply 80% of the world’s food.

Interview: The War on Informed Consent

Interview: The War on Informed Consent

Dr. Paul Thomas’ license was suspended by the Oregon Medical Board on transparently false pretexts, the true reason being that he posed a threat to state policy by respecting the right of parents to make their own informed choice about childhood vaccinations.

What Happened Last Year—Death and the Microbiome.

What Happened Last Year—Death and the Microbiome.

Death is undefeated; this inevitable transition point is an unavoidable consequence of life. The thought that we are all going to die can be unsettling, but it can also provide beautiful illumination of this miraculous thing that we call life, opening a fuller appreciation for the limited time we have with each other.

UNFSS – Where Multinationals Continue to Design our Food Systems and Control our Diets

UNFSS – Where Multinationals Continue to Design our Food Systems and Control our Diets

The message could not be clearer. The pre-summit in Rome, and the New York summit take place under the strict direct control of multinationals. It is they, the Masters of food, who are in, and want to maintain, control. And if they decide to talk about “transition”, they themselves will do so in their own way, convincing us that their solutions will be ecological enough to keep the current system of interests intact.

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