Humans, Bees and Wildlife in 2023

Humans, Bees and Wildlife in 2023

There are no insects, bees, spiders or even aphids on my roses. My area is well known as the smartest city in Australia and our close by bush are dead of any environmental life (bees, butterflies, moths, birds, flying bats, frogs and native animals)”.

back to school brush up on health facts

back to school brush up on health facts

Fear mongering, outlandish statement, and historical revisionism. this is not about safety, it’s about projection of their own hyperbolic emotional frailties upon defenseless kids who deserve to have their lives back instead of being forced to live in service to the most damaged of adults.

The community microbiome

The community microbiome

As society becomes atomized, isolated, and sanitizes the heck out of our skin, gastrointestinal tract, food, and our surroundings, the microbial exchange that used to happen through play and daily family and community interactions drops off.

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