Big Chem Pushes Back Against PFAS Ban

Big Chem Pushes Back Against PFAS Ban

State legislators and the wider public are starting to wake up to the dangers of PFAS “forever” chemical contamination, but the industries responsible for this pollution will not give up without a fight. Action Alert!

Rainbow Lorikeets dropping from the sky

Rainbow Lorikeets dropping from the sky

During the summer of 2019-2020, when the first 5G towers went into service, 1,500 rainbow lorikeets rained out of the skies. And last week, when more than 200 dead lorikeets were collected in just a few days, it made headlines again.

Stand Against Totalitarian Medicine

Stand Against Totalitarian Medicine

Your health freedom is being threatened by the development of a global, centralized, undemocratic public health apparatus that aims to give primacy of control over pandemic responses to the unaccountable WHO.

Don’t Irradiate the Birds!

Don’t Irradiate the Birds!

The birds — some captive-raised and some wild — were released into the forest between October 27 and October 30, 2019. By November 16, every bird was dead except the three who had succeeded in removing or disabling their transmitter.