The community microbiome

The community microbiome

As society becomes atomized, isolated, and sanitizes the heck out of our skin, gastrointestinal tract, food, and our surroundings, the microbial exchange that used to happen through play and daily family and community interactions drops off.

The unfolding chemical disaster

The unfolding chemical disaster

We are being bombarded by human-made chemicals every day. There is increasing evidence that this chemical burden is overwhelming our internal biotransformation and detoxification capacity that has evolved over eons.

What if my body is brilliant?

What if my body is brilliant?

What if the foundational principles of modern medicine have already been proven wrong? Given the trillions of  dollars wrapped up in pharmaceuticals, hospital systems, medical research, and insurance conglomerates, would this knowledge be suppressed?

Quitting antidepressants can be tricky

Quitting antidepressants can be tricky

The true proportion of patients on antidepressants who can stop safely without “relapse” is likely to be considerably higher than the 50% we found in the trials, especially if the taper is done hyperbolically.

Rivers of resistance: Water for life, not profit

Rivers of resistance: Water for life, not profit

Water profiteers developed new tactics and strategies to increase private participation in the sector. They have been especially successful in capturing global water governance institutions to advance their pro-privatisation agenda.