
Is COVID-19 injection-induced myocarditis mild and transient? Nope.

by Jessica Rose | May 8, 2022

John Su works for the Immunization Safety Office Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Tom Shimabukuro works for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the CDC. They both make the claim in their Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) presentations that myocarditis (sometimes called myopericarditis) is not a problem, despite its prevalence in the context of the COVID-injectable products. Especially in children.


Just to give my readers an idea of the above-background reporting per age group, here’s a slide from Shimabukuro’s presentation. And yes, he really did present this to the FDA and yes, they still said everything’s fine. I didn’t even have to highlight anything: he did it for us.



This chart indicates that even if we take the highest expected value for males, the observed value is still 11 times higher. If we take the lowest value, it’s 132 times higher. On average, the observed rate is 20 times the expected in boys ages 12-17. You get the drift.

I made the following slide that anyone and everyone can use. As I have explained in many of my interviews, myocarditis is inflammation of the myocardium of the heart. This is the muscly part of the heart that allows the heart to beat. Beating is important for the movement of blood throughout the circulatory system. It is as yet unclear to me as to whether the blood pumps the heart or if the heart pumps the blood. I tend to think it is the former, but I digress.



The myocardium contains specialized cells called cardiomyocytes or myocardiocytes. Or cytecardiomyos or cardiB-o-cytes. Just kiddingabout the last two. Cardi-B-omyocytes are some of the first cells to terminally-differentiate in human development, which is why we can detect a heart beat on an ultrasound of a human fetus. These cells are interconnected, elongated, cylindrical and striated with contractile proteins and most have a single nucleus. Below is a photo! Are they not the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen? Aw, immuno-staining. Where would we be without you.1


Immunostaining of human cardiomyocytes with antibodies for actin (red), myomesin (green), and nuclei (blue).

Some people are trying to make it possible to regenerate cardiomyocytes, but it is generally accepted that once damaged, they do not regenerate.2 3

While cardiomyocytes appear to continue to renew throughout life, the quantitatively dominant mechanism of growth in the mammalian postnatal heart is an increase in cardiomyocyte size (reviewed in Heineke et al).4

It is well known now via peer-reviewed literature5 (footnote 4 gives 31 reference sources – pretty up-to-date) that the COVID-19 injectable products are heavily-associated with (that be code for ‘caused by’ me mateys) [autoimmune] myocarditis. This would be the result of foreign proteins embedded or displayed on cell surfaces by MHC-class I and II molecules for presentation to specific immune cells designed to target and destroy cells flagged with such foreign proteins. Footnote reference ‘6’ is a really good paper to read about this subject. They discuss Sarcoidosis which everyone knows about because of House M.D..6

COVID-19 injection-induced myocarditis results in scar tissue replacing the damaged myocytes and this scar tissue does not have contractile function. This is what Su and Shimabukuro refer to as “recovery”. You know, the kid is still alive, it’s just that their heart has fewer functional myocytes now. Imagine you blew up a balloon after putting small pieces of tape on the surface. Those spots where the tape are would not be able to stretch and that would put extra strain and pressure on the rubbery or contractile parts of the balloon surface. Eventually, the strain would be too much and the balloon would pop from additional pressure.

Popping of heart. Where have I heard of that happening before?

In any case, I could ramble on about this, but my new paper’s coming soon so you can read my ramblings then. And the slide says it all.

This is NOT mild and NOT transient. They are LYING.

Thank you to a Twitter person for this link to a video entitled “The inflammation of the heart muscle caused by SARS Cov 2 vaccine”.

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Keepers, B., Liu, J., & Qian, L. (2020). What’s in a cardiomyocyte – And how do we make one through reprogramming?. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular cell research1867(3), 118464.


Eschenhagen T, Bolli R, Braun T, Field LJ, Fleischmann BK, Frisén J, Giacca M, Hare JM, Houser S, Lee RT, Marbán E, Martin JF, Molkentin JD, Murry CE, Riley PR, Ruiz-Lozano P, Sadek HA, Sussman MA, Hill JA. Cardiomyocyte Regeneration: A Consensus Statement. Circulation. 2017 Aug 15;136(7):680-686. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.029343. Epub 2017 Jul 6. PMID: 28684531; PMCID: PMC5557671.


Heineke J, Molkentin JD. Regulation of cardiac hypertrophy by intracellular signalling pathways. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2006;7:589–600.


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