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With thanks and appreciation to Michael Allen Bryant.
Michael Allen Bryant is a freelance journalist/activist and researcher who presently focuses primarily on issues surrounding health freedom. His work has appeared on
1. You mention that “the history of virtually all disease has fraud and racketeering baked into it.” Could you elaborate on this and provide some examples?
The annals of disease are rife with manufactured causation and glaring omissions, particularly when it comes to social conditions. This pattern of fraud and racketeering becomes evident when one delves into the source documents for any alleged disease.
Take, for instance, the HIV/AIDS scandal. This medical fraud serves as a blueprint for understanding the trajectory of subsequent “health emergencies,” including the current COVID-19 operation. The propagandistic nature of these manufactured health crises isn’t limited to peripheral aspects – it’s foundational to the creation of the alleged disease itself.
What we’re witnessing is a recurring pattern: the invention of a health crisis, followed by the implementation of harmful policies, all designed to funnel public funds into private coffers. As I wrote in “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation“:
“Manufactured pandemics have become mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.”
This modus operandi has been refined over decades, from the HIV/AIDS crisis to various flu pandemics, culminating in the COVID-19 operation. Each iteration becomes more sophisticated, more far-reaching, and more profitable for those orchestrating these “health emergencies.”
The key to unraveling this deception is to recognize that these crises are not about public health, but about control and profit. As I pointed out in “Two Weeks to Flatten the World“:
“It is vital to understand that the public health industry is now directly tied to global markets and operates based on the demands of those financial conglomerates.
It is also necessary to recognize that the primary purpose of the medical industry is no longer the “art of healing”, [if it ever was], rather as a financial instrument benefiting investors.”
We must recognize that the Medical Industry has now been fully weaponized as a punitive system designed to process, dehumanize and control every single person in the system.
2. You’ve questioned the foundations of germ theory and virology. Can you walk us through your understanding of how these theories became established, and why you believe they may be flawed?
If you truly want to understand something you have to know its history – what came before it, how it developed and why. As you go back and read the history of our current medical system you can clearly see that its very foundation is based upon greed, profit and societal control- not healing the sick.
Germ theory and virology are not the result of solid scientific explorations or groundbreaking discoveries. Instead, they’re the products of political maneuvering, established by some of the most unscrupulous scientific and political actors of their time. These theories were propped up financially and institutionally by the wealthiest robber-barons of the world, who then constructed an entire financial empire – the medical industry – on the foundations of these dubious concepts.
A well-documented book by E. Richard Brown, “Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America”, gives a detailed appraisal of the historical marriage between medicine and the private sector and how the health care system we have today was shaped.
The fundamental flaw in these theories lies in their reductionist approach to health and disease. They ignore crucial factors such as social conditions, environmental toxins, and the body’s natural processes, instead attributing illness solely to invisible, external pathogens. This narrow focus serves the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and other vested interests, allowing them to sell “solutions” to problems they’ve essentially invented.
As I noted in “COVID-19: A Universe of Questions In a Time of Universal Deceit“:
“The real causes of illnesses traditionally attributed to viral infections are multifaceted and often rooted in environmental factors, toxins, malnutrition, and stress. What we observe as ‘disease transmission’ and ‘epidemics’ are often the result of shared environmental exposures or societal conditions affecting multiple individuals simultaneously.”
This flawed foundation of germ theory and virology has led to a medical paradigm that’s more about managing symptoms and selling pharmaceuticals than addressing root causes of ill health. It’s a paradigm that’s ripe for exploitation, as we’ve seen with the COVID-19 operation.
The persistence of these theories, despite their incoherencies and contradictions, is a testament to the power of institutional forces and financial interests. As long as these theories serve the profit motives of the medical-industrial complex, they will continue to be promoted as unassailable truths, regardless of the mounting evidence against them.
Another important aspect of how germ theory served the interests of the industrialists of the time, and this continues today, is that the causal factors for disease could be attributed to a pathogen when it was the social and economic order created by these industrialists that was the disease causing agent.
If you have created a social order that results in putrescent social conditions (and vast profits for the robber barons) you want to cover up that harsh reality in every way possible. So it’s not child labor, overcrowded living conditions, raw sewage in the streets, sixteen hour work days, poor nutrition and so forth causing mass disease, it’s an invisible microbe. The microbe, bacterium, germ were the perfect conceits to conceal these material realities. Quite naturally those vested interests would do everything in their substantial powers to obscure the truth and promote and enforce this scientific deception which took them off the hook.
And so they did and they still do.
3. How do you see the HIV/AIDS situation as a precursor to current health emergencies?
The HIV/AIDS scandal serves as a crucial prototype for understanding the current COVID-19 operation and other manufactured health crises. It established a blueprint for using fear, manipulated statistics, and flawed testing methods to create the perception of a pandemic where none truly existed.
This model has been refined and amplified with each subsequent “health emergency,” reaching its apex with the COVID-19 operation. The HIV/AIDS crisis demonstrated how a “disease” could be invented and sustained through media manipulation, flawed science, and financial incentives. It set the stage for future “pandemics” by establishing the methodology of using non-diagnostic tests to generate false positives, creating the illusion of widespread infection.
The documentary House of Numbers by Canadian filmmaker Brent Leung is a good place to start for anyone who wants to explore the mythology of HIV/AIDS.
AIDS is not related to any pathogen but like so many other diseases is a by-product of biological systems being vaporized by toxic overload and multiple stressors. In the case of AIDS (which became the raison d’etre for an embattled CDC and health industry) as imagined in the US this biological meltdown was mainly due to massive drug use- amyl nitrite aka “poppers”, cocaine, amphetamines, etc. in combination with severe and prolonged malnutrition and sleep deprivation. Add to this the arrival of “the miracle drug”, azidothymidine – commonly known as AZT, which you can read about here, “Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir”, and the consequences could hardly be more fatal.
The story was as follows- A deadly new virus is discovered. There’s no treatment or cure. It’s highly contagious. Everyone is a potential victim. The world is at risk from asymptomatic super spreaders. New clusters of “cases” are reported daily.
Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable. Positive antibody tests are called “infections” and “cases” even when the patient has no symptoms. Media hysteria kicks into high gear.
Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research. Presumptive diagnoses are accompanied by exaggerated death statistics and falsified death certificates.
Sound familiar?
Every single fraud technique used today to “sell” the Covid hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Anthony Fauci and Co. to sell the AIDS fraud.
You can learn about this history by watching the excellent documentary, “HIV=AIDS – Fauci’s First Fraud.” It should be emphasized that this isn’t about some diabolical Mr. Evil sucking on his pinkie finger. Fauci is merely the bagman and if it weren’t him it would be another. What we are looking at is a broad systemic problem of intertwining political and financial allegiances.
The manner in which AIDS as a disease mythology was invented in Africa was more complex but equally duplicitous. The scope of how and why this was done is beyond our current discussion but certainly germane as we are constantly bombarded with news of alleged quasi-tropical and mysterious diseases, Ebola, Marburg, Monkeypox, etc., that plague the “Heart of Darkness”, and will, if not controlled, come to our innocent shores.
In “Counting Covid Deaths,” I highlighted how this pattern of deception continues:
“These fabricated numbers of deaths attributed to COVID-19 cannot be explained away as merely an accounting glitch. The Covid death numbers have been used by governments around the world to stoke public fear, create mass hysteria, justify draconian ‘lockdown’ measures, impose mandates for experimental injections and impose continuous ‘states of emergency’ which have launched an assault on our basic rights including bodily autonomy.”
99% of people falsely certified as having ‘died from covid’ actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and ‘public health’ despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21:
“Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021).
A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.
Most patients who “died from COVID” had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”
Translation: No one has “died from Covid” as “Covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions.
The parallels between HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 are striking: the use of PCR tests to diagnose “cases,” the broadening of disease definitions to inflate numbers, the suppression of alternative viewpoints, and the push for profitable pharmaceutical interventions as the only solution.
By recognizing the HIV/AIDS scandal as a precursor to current health emergencies, we can better understand the playbook being used against us and be better prepared to resist future manufactured crises.
4. Given your skepticism about viruses, what do you believe are the real causes of illnesses traditionally attributed to viral infections? How would you explain disease transmission and epidemics?
The real causes of illnesses traditionally attributed to viral infections are multifaceted, rooted in environmental factors, toxins, malnutrition, and stress. What we observe as “disease transmission” and “epidemics” are often the result of shared environmental exposures or societal conditions affecting multiple individuals simultaneously.
Consider the alleged COVID-19 pandemic. A closer examination reveals that it can be better understood as a combination of regular seasonal illnesses, exacerbated by poor air quality, environmental toxins, and the harmful effects of lockdown policies and medical malpractice. The perception of transmission is largely an artifact of flawed testing methods and media-induced mass hysteria.
In “New York City Spring 2020: Investigating the Covid Epicenter,” I pointed out:
“Three years on, an unquestioning media gives the impression that mass deaths caused by a novel pathogen is an unassailable truth. However, the Spring 2020 apocalyptic scenario of a deadly pathogen besieging New York City increasingly looks to be a disputable chronicle of events rather than an ironclad narrative.”
What’s often labeled as viral transmission is more accurately described as the body’s natural detoxification processes or responses to environmental stressors. Epidemics, in this context, are not the result of a spreading pathogen but rather widespread exposure to similar harmful conditions or toxins.
For instance, the pollution problems in Northern Italy, which I discussed in “Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero,” provide a more plausible explanation for the health issues observed there:
“The Po River Valley in Northern Italy is cited as having the worst air quality in all of Europe. The air quality in the region has been deteriorating for many years. The cities in the Po River Valley are cited as having the highest mortality burdens associated with air pollution in all of Europe.”
These environmental factors, combined with an aging population and a crumbling healthcare system, created the conditions for what was misattributed to a novel pathogen.
The Lancet Planetary Health report from January 2021 estimated death rates associated with fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide pollution in 1000 European cities. Brescia and Bergamo in the Lombardy region held the morbid distinction of having the highest death rate from fine particulate matter in Europe. Two other Northern Italian cities, Vicenza and Saronno placed fourth and eighth respectively, in the list of top ten cities in this category. These locations correspond precisely with the highest incidents of upper respiratory infections occurring in Northern Italy as reported in the official pandemic narrative.
Ongoing and accelerating “epidemics” of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,( a severe and progressive lung disease), interstitial lung disease and high rates of bronchial and lung cancer were signature epidemiological features of Northern Italy long before an alleged virus ventured onto the scene.
In essence, the concept of viral transmission and epidemics as we’re told to understand them is a convenient narrative that obscures the true causes of ill health while providing a profitable model for the pharmaceutical industry and a means of social control for governments.
5. You draw connections between the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2019-2020 financial crisis. Can you explain this relationship in more detail?
The COVID-19 phenomenon cannot be fully understood without recognizing the unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system in 2019-2020. The pandemic narrative served as a smokescreen for this economic crisis and the subsequent massive wealth transfer.
As I explained in “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation“:
“The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. The Covid-19 Pandemic story makes little sense when viewed through the lens of health, safety and science. Viewed through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, however, then all of it makes perfect sense.”
The timing of the COVID-19 operation became necessary as world markets faced an emergency debt crisis in the fall of 2019. This crisis began to unravel in earnest, particularly in the Repo Markets, Money Markets, and Foreign Exchange Markets. The manufactured perception of a global medical emergency provided the rationale and opportunity to freeze the US banking collapse with massive injections of cash.
In the same article, I noted:
“Somewhere in the neighborhood of $8-10 trillion was paid to US banks up until March 2020 with an additional $5 trillion in economic stimulus promised by the Fed.”
Without the COVID-19 smokescreen, this widespread racketeering operation and the ongoing historical wealth transfer would have been exposed for what they are – ongoing theft by the financial aristocracy. The pandemic provided the perfect cover for this massive economic restructuring, allowing for unprecedented bailouts and wealth consolidation under the guise of emergency measures.
Furthermore, as I pointed out in “Two Weeks to Flatten the World“:
“The timely arrival of the Covid-19 ’emergency’ provided the rationale and the opportunity to freeze the US banking collapse with massive injections of cash.”
This manufactured crisis allowed the financial elites to implement long-planned economic changes while suppressing potential public outcry through fear and restrictive measures. The COVID-19 operation thus served as both a distraction from and a facilitator of one of the largest upward transfers of wealth in human history.
It’s vital that people understand the connections here to the massive escalation in the cost of living across the Western World. This isn’t simply an academic exercise. The across the board increases in cost of living- housing, energy, food, transportation and virtually all goods and services- is a direct and intentional outcome of this operation.
6. How do you believe the pharmaceutical industry’s financial challenges influenced the pandemic response?
The pharmaceutical industry, facing terminal decline in its traditional business model, was instrumental in the manufacturing of the COVID-19 crisis. This industry is confronting escalating R&D costs, skyrocketing marketing expenses, and looming patent cliffs for many of its biggest selling products.
By 2017, the Internal Rate of Return for the industry had fallen below the cost of capital, with projections suggesting it would sink to 0% by 2020. The COVID-19 operation provided the perfect opportunity to revolutionize their business model. The introduction of mRNA “vaccines” as a new cash cow would allow them to sidestep lengthy and costly clinical trials.
This new model, backed by government mandates and endless booster shots, is designed to ensure a steady stream of profits for an industry that is on the brink of financial crisis. The plan is to implement a subscription model for endless mRNA injections and turn the global population into human pincushions to line the pockets of the Pharma Cartel.
As I wrote in “The ‘Future of Health Summit’: Blowing Up the World for Big Pharma“:
“To sell the Covid Story a mass marketing campaign rife with its own nomenclature was launched. The constant drumbeat of the Covid battle cry became inescapable resembling military grade propaganda rather than public health messaging.”
This propaganda campaign was essential to create public acceptance for rushed, experimental products. The industry exploited the manufactured crisis to push through regulatory changes that allowed for faster development and deployment of products with minimal testing and maximum indemnity.
At the “Future of Health Summit” meeting of October 28-29, 2019, former director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). Rick Bright foreshadowed the coming Covid storm in a response to Anthony Fauci: “But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that to a number of regional centers.”
I want to reiterate, Bright said that in 2019.
Furthermore, the pandemic response created a captive market for these products. As I noted in “Two Weeks to Flatten the World“:
“This barrage of brutalizing manipulations was designed to condition us to accept the tyrannical impositions of “The New Normal.” The emotional toll, because of COVID fear-mongering and media hysteria, caused the citizenry to become mentally tamed like institutionalized prisoners who would come begging for “a way out.”
The preordained and only “allowed” exit from this viral nightmare demanded that society embrace the magical “cure” of the “miracle” inoculation. A medical miracle promised to be so effective that it would be required year after year after year.”
This psychological manipulation was crucial in preparing the public to accept and acquiesce to the pharmaceutical industry’s pre-packaged “solution” regardless of necessity or safety. The pandemic response, therefore, was heavily influenced by the industry’s need for a new, highly profitable business model. This was never about public health, it was about financial imperatives.
7. You’ve suggested that government policies, rather than a virus, were responsible for excess deaths in 2020. Could you explain your reasoning behind this?
The excess deaths observed in 2020 were primarily the result of destructive government policies and medical malpractice, not a novel pathogen. These policies created conditions that led to increased mortality, particularly among the elderly and vulnerable.
Key factors contributing to excess deaths included deadly hospital protocols, lockdown effects, nursing home policies, and misattribution of deaths. The mandated use of ventilators, midazolam, propofol, remdesivir and other harmful drugs, combined with starvation and neglect, killed off hundreds of thousands of patients who were then labeled as “Covid” deaths.
This happened throughout the US and in many places in Europe. Tens of thousands of elderly and disabled were killed in Spring 2020 via these deadly protocols. It can’t be stressed enough that these were not isolated cases. Most of these iatrogenic deaths were falsely labeled as “Covid.”
The evidence paints a picture of nurses and doctors actively killing people as they enforced and executed these protocols . Unilateral DNR’s absent third party witnesses were also part of the picture. This is difficult for people to wrap their heads around and accept.
Hundreds of the stories of those who were victimized by harmful COVID protocols and mandates have been detailed and archived at the COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project.
Lockdowns led to isolation, economic devastation, and delayed medical care for non-COVID conditions, all of which increased mortality. In nursing homes, policies of isolation and reduced care became the “standard,” leading to increased deaths among the elderly.
In “Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero,” I highlighted how these policies played out in Northern Italy:
“Terrorizing and isolating elderly people especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-person visits from health and social carers became ‘standard of care.'”
Furthermore, the misattribution of deaths played a crucial role in creating the illusion of a pandemic. As I explained in “Counting Covid Deaths“:
“COVID death counts were forged- CDC instructed officials to certify any death as ’caused by’ COVID if the decedent tested positive prior to passing or was suspected of having ‘C19’, even if it wasn’t the actual cause of death.”
This manipulation of death certificates artificially inflated COVID-19 death numbers while obscuring the true causes of excess mortality. The average age of a “Covid death” being higher than normal life expectancy further underscores the fraudulent nature of these statistics.
In essence, the excess deaths in 2020 were not the result of a novel pathogen, but rather the consequence of harmful government policies, medical malpractice, and the disruption of normal healthcare services. The data, when properly interpreted, exposes the COVID-19 pandemic as a manufactured crisis rather than a genuine public health emergency.
8. How do you perceive the roles of global organizations like WHO, GAVI, CEPI, and the World Economic Forum in shaping health policies, managing global health, and influencing economic restructuring?
These global organizations play a crucial role in orchestrating what I see as a coordinated effort to reshape global health policies and economic structures to benefit powerful financial interests. They serve as the architects and enforcers of the biosecurity state and the broader agenda of economic restructuring.
The likes of CEPI, GAVI, WHO, and others have made it clear that “waging endless war against viruses” is the next phase of the Global War on ‘Fill in the Blank’, with copious funding – think trillions – going to these pathogenic Ponzi schemes. These organizations, often funded by and serving the interests of billionaires and large corporations, use the pretext of global health crises to implement far-reaching changes in society.
The World Economic Forum, for instance, has been instrumental in promoting the “Great Reset” agenda, using the COVID-19 crisis as a catalyst for widespread economic and social changes. As I pointed out in “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation“:
“The Covid Operation itself covers many objectives: Pre-emption of and disguising the reasons for the aforementioned economic implosion; Acceleration of the largest upwards transfer of wealth in human history; Justification for and entrenchment of the Bio-Security State, including AI surveillance across multiple sectors of society.”
GAVI and CEPI, heavily influenced by pharmaceutical interests, push for global vaccination campaigns that serve as immense profit generators for the industry. The WHO, compromised by conflicts of interest, provides the authoritative voice to legitimize these agendas under the guise of public health.
Together, these organizations form a powerful, interconnected network that shapes global health policies, at the expense of true public health and national sovereignty, while facilitating massive wealth transfers and consolidation of power among global elites. Their role in the COVID-19 operation demonstrates their capacity to coordinate on a global scale to implement sweeping changes in society, economics, and governance.
Their power and control allows them to pull the strings of governance and finance at the international, national, regional, state and local levels. We saw this clearly throughout the Covid-19 campaign where diktats from the highest corridors of power trickled down to regional, state and county health departments all the way into local school systems and virtually all areas of civic society.
This points to an uncomfortable reality at this present moment in history- “your government” is not yours.
9. You’ve criticized the use of PCR tests in diagnosing COVID-19. What are your main concerns about this diagnostic method?
My main concerns about the PCR “test” in diagnosing COVID-19 centers is their fundamental unsuitability as a diagnostic tool and their susceptibility to manipulation for generating false positives. These “tests” have been weaponized to create the illusion of a pandemic where none exists. Understood precisely they are not even tests for disease, they are replication devices. All they can do is magnify genetic material.
PCR is worse than useless for diagnostics, as are antigen tests. These “tests” are weaponized to manipulate public perceptions and invent “diseases.” Key issues with PCR testing include its non-specificity, the manipulation of cycle thresholds, the lack of a gold standard, and its ability to create “cases” from healthy individuals.
In “Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?” I highlighted how the PCR test was developed without proper isolation of the supposed virus:
“The Corman-Drosten team developed the test for Covid-19 based on an In-silico Genetic Sequence (from a computer simulation). They did not have any Viral Isolates of Covid-19 available, nor any clinical samples of anyone sick with the alleged new disease.”
This fundamental flaw in the test’s development means that it’s not actually testing for a specific virus, but rather for genetic sequences that may or may not be related to any pathogenic agent.
Furthermore, the manipulation of cycle thresholds has been used to generate false positives at will. As I noted in “Counting Covid Deaths“:
“High cycle thresholds were one of the problems cited. This created absurd numbers, as high as 97%, of ‘false positives’, leading to a grossly exaggerated number of Covid cases and deaths.”
The practice of PCR-testing hospital admissions who are asymptomatic for Covid using high Ct values undoubtedly caused deaths and unnecessary suffering. By labeling healthy individuals as “cases,” it created the illusion of a spreading disease and justified harmful interventions.
These flaws in PCR testing have been exploited to manufacture the perception of a pandemic, leading to harmful policies and treatments based on false positives rather than genuine illness. The PCR “test”, far from being a reliable diagnostic tool, has been the linchpin in the creation and maintenance of the COVID-19 narrative.
10. Can you discuss your views on the treatments used for COVID-19 patients, particularly ventilators and certain medications?
The treatments widely used for COVID-19 patients, ventilators and medications like midazolam and remdesivir are directly harmful and even lethal. These treatments were implemented not based on sound medical science, but as part of a broader agenda to inflate COVID-19 deaths and profits. These treatments were not only incentivized they were mandated- the carrot and the stick.
In “Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero,” I pointed out:
“Mechanical ventilators, that push oxygen into patients whose lungs are failing, quickly became the accepted go-to practice throughout the Italian hospital system. Doctors made extravagant claims that ventilators had ‘become like gold.'”
However, the use of ventilators was often inappropriate and deadly. Questions surrounding actual causes of ‘Covid deaths’ of the frail and elderly placed on ventilators began to surface as doctors noticed unusually high death rates for patients on ventilators.
As for medications, drugs like remdesivir, midazolam, propofol and others were used in significant quantities despite known risks. These drugs come with contra-indications and warnings of side effects including respiratory depression and respiratory arrest. Midazolam and propofol are two drugs that are regularly used for assisted suicide and to put down death row inmates.
These treatments, combined with financial incentives for hospitals, created a deadly cycle. Administrators were under pressure to alleviate financial pain and exploit all openings in the CARES Act. None of this was accidental.
In essence, the widespread use of these treatments contributed significantly to the excess mortality attributed to COVID-19, while simultaneously enriching pharmaceutical companies and hospitals. The COVID-19 treatment protocols, far from saving lives, became a mechanism for inflating death statistics and justifying further draconian measures.
11. You’ve described COVID-19 as a “disease of attribution.” What do you mean by this?
When I describe COVID-19 as a “disease of attribution,” I’m highlighting the fact that it’s not a distinct clinical entity, but rather a label arbitrarily applied to a wide range of symptoms and conditions, many of which have existed long before the alleged pandemic.
In “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation,” I stated:
“Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION. Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.”
This process of attribution works through several mechanisms:
“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.”
By attributing a wide range of symptoms and deaths to COVID-19, regardless of the actual cause, the illusion of a pandemic is created and maintained. This “disease of attribution” serves as a convenient catch-all to drive the narrative of a novel, deadly pathogen, when in reality, we’re seeing a rebranding of existing health conditions and normal seasonal variations in illness.
What the medical cartel gets through the use of the bogus PCR in combination with misattribution is a guaranteed feedback loop of disease-mongering into eternity. It’s quite a racket.
12. What are your thoughts on the “lab leak” theory of COVID-19’s origin?
The “lab leak” theory is, in my view, another layer of misdirection in the COVID-19 narrative. It serves to reinforce the false idea that there is a novel, dangerous pathogen at all, while distracting from the more fundamental questions about the very existence of the virus and the true nature of the “pandemic.”
In “Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?” I wrote:
“The lab-leak claim posits that SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered quasi-biological, deadly gain-of-function phenomenon rather than a computer-generated construct. The initial research paper illustrates that the virus in question was nothing more than an in-silico apparition, a simulacrum created by demonstrably dodgy genomic sequencing.”
The lab leak theory is problematic for several reasons:
The bio labs filled with sick animals, crazy doctors that like to torture animals and cell cultures that show nothing but dead tissue. These labs are there to steal money from us. Yes, they can make poisons but they can’t make contagions. It just doesn’t work like that, no matter how hard they try.
Ultimately, the lab leak theory serves to maintain the overarching COVID-19 narrative while providing a controlled opposition that doesn’t challenge the fundamental premises of the alleged pandemic. It’s a clever way to keep people arguing about the origins of a virus that, in my analysis, has never been proven to exist in the first place and cover up mass murder by policy.
Here’s another way to look at it.
A) Let’s assume there may have been a “lab leak” or any hypothetical one wants to allege. Do we have an estimate for how many that event killed?
B) Now let’s look at the number of people we know were killed by public health despotism and draconian policies- ventilators, remdesivir, unilateral DNR’s, sedatives, neglect, fear-induced disorders, lockdowns, suicides, economic and social dislocation and other concrete, known events that occurred in Spring 2020- and beyond. Let’s add these numbers up.
Once we subtract from A the total we have in B would there even be anything to talk about? I don’t think so- and that’s being generous with the assumptions in A for which there is no concrete evidence and much that contradicts this theory.
Another way of looking at this is if there were a “deadly lab leak” why did it only have the potency to only kill 80-plus-year-olds with multiple comorbidities and other chronically ill people who were already in or were sent to hospitals and nursing homes.
This simple reality should’ve put all fears about “lab leak” to rest but for many reasons the “lab leak” mythology won’t seem to go away.
We seem to like our sci-fi stories, a form of escapism as I see it, where we ascribe this convergent set of circumstances to a “lab-leaked” daemon rather than a coordinated campaign orchestrated by powerful interests and their all too human collaborators in academia, the medical industry, and in the media.
My question is why is it that people seem so attracted to these esoteric theories when concrete evidence is staring them right in the face? I have my own ideas on why this is. One is that if these concrete and well-evidenced reasons for the “death spikes” in 2020 were shown for what they were, the entire can of worms of what did and didn’t happen in 2020 is opened up which would implicate an entire sea of people and institutions who aided and abetted these crimes.
A question I am often asked is, “Well then what are they doing in these gain of function labs if they are not creating super pathogens?”
The short answer is that these are in large part money laundering operations, they like to steal money from us in numerous ways. Inside the labs the mad scientists are torturing animals and these biolabs are filled with sick animals and cell cultures that show nothing but dead tissue as evidence they are “creating pathogens.” They can make poisons but they can’t make contagions. It doesn’t work like that- what they are claiming is not biological reality.
In short, legitimizing the lab-leak theory is a backdoor way of legitimizing the false claim of a global pandemic.
13. You’ve gone into detail about how mortality data has been interpreted during the pandemic. Can you explain your approach to analyzing this data, and what you believe it reveals about the true impact of COVID-19?
My approach to analyzing mortality data during the pandemic involves looking beyond the official narrative and examining the broader context, including historical trends, data manipulation, and the impact of policy decisions. This analysis reveals that the true impact of COVID-19 has been grossly exaggerated, while the deadly effects of pandemic policies have been ignored or minimized.
In “Counting Covid Deaths,” I highlighted how death certificates were manipulated:
“COVID death counts were forged- CDC instructed officials to certify any death as ’caused by’ COVID if the decedent tested positive prior to passing or was suspected of having ‘C19’, even if it wasn’t the actual cause of death.”
This manipulation of death certificates artificially inflated COVID-19 death numbers while obscuring the true causes of excess mortality. The average age of a “Covid death” being higher than normal life expectancy further underscores the fraudulent nature of these statistics.
Furthermore, the impact of lockdowns and medical malpractice cannot be overstated. As I noted in “Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero“:
“Whatever ‘excess deaths’ which may have occurred anywhere can be attributed to people who didn’t have to die but were KILLED due to the unnecessary use of ventilators, harsh toxic drugs, people dying prematurely due to lack of medical treatment, ill effects from the lockdowns and so on.”
My analysis reveals that the true impact of COVID-19, as a distinct clinical entity, is negligible. The excess mortality observed can be largely attributed to the effects of destructive policies, medical malpractice, and the disruption of normal healthcare services. The data, when properly interpreted, exposes the COVID-19 pandemic as a manufactured crisis rather than a genuine public health emergency.
It’s also important to not discount the possibility of data fraud that could have been used to gin up the numbers. To this day we don’t have actual death certificates for the vast majority of those who allegedly “died from Covid” in the NYC Spring 2020 “shock and awe” campaign.
There are a number of questions that remain unanswered:
Allegedly New York City handled 20K “extra” bodies in a month. That’s 750 supposed corpses a day. Who moved all the dead bodies in NYC in Spring 2020? How did they do it?
That would be etched in the memory of all who had to move that number of bodies. Where are their testimonies? Where are the morticians/embalmers? How could they possibly handle that volume?
Where are the photo shots? Everyone has a cell phone camera these days. How was this body management kept from public view? Where are the photos and testimonials from the public on seeing bodies being brought in and out of hospitals, funerals, crematoria?
How many additional workers were shifted from other tasks to deal with all those bodies? There must have been a fleet of a few thousand needed in that time frame. Must have been traumatic for them. Where is their testimony?
14. How do you see the pandemic response as part of a larger economic restructuring?
In my view, the Covid-19 Operation and the consequent response was the circuit for a broader agenda for economic restructuring, often referred to as the “Great Reset.” This restructuring aims to further consolidate wealth and power in the hands of global elites while fundamentally altering social and economic systems.
In “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation,” I outlined several key aspects of this economic restructuring:
The pandemic response has been used to accelerate these changes, using fear and crisis as catalysts for accepting new forms of control and economic models that might otherwise face resistance. It’s a comprehensive restructuring of society under the guise of public health measures.
15. Can you elaborate on your view of mRNA vaccines as a new “cash cow” for the pharmaceutical industry?
The mRNA vaccines represent a paradigm shift in the pharmaceutical industry’s business model, offering unprecedented opportunities for profit and control. This new technology allows for rapid development and deployment of products with minimal testing and maximum indemnity, creating a lucrative new “disease model” and product line for the industry.
The plan for the mRNA “vaccine” cash cow extends far beyond Covid. The industry intends to use similar mechanisms against any imagined viral pathogen, now that they’ve gotten the technology to market. They’ll start going down the list, using their readily “downloadable” mRNA platforms for these new “diseases” that they perpetually invent.
Key aspects of this new model include rapid development, endless boosters, an expanded market, regulatory capture, and indemnity from liability. As I pointed out in “The ‘Future of Health Summit’: Blowing Up the World for Big Pharma“:
“Once approved and accepted the technology could be plugged in, enabling Pharma to go down the list of medical conditions and install new mRNA vaccines for each new ’emerging’ disease — similar to a Windows update.”
This new mRNA platform allows the pharmaceutical industry to create a perpetual cycle of new products, boosters, and “updates” for an ever-expanding list of conditions, all while enjoying protection from liability and government mandates to ensure market penetration.
The goal is to implement a subscription model for endless mRNA injections, turning the global population into human pincushions to line the pockets of the Pharma Cartel. Every human being on earth, every human body becomes an endless source of revenue.
This business model promises unprecedented profits and control over global health policies, with governments likely to mandate future shots or use every form of coercion available to them for entire populations. It’s a radical departure from traditional vaccine development, offering the industry a way to sidestep lengthy and costly clinical trials while maximizing profits and minimizing accountability.
16. You’ve discussed the role of the media in propagating the COVID-19 narrative. Can you elaborate on how media manipulation has been used to shape public perception during the pandemic?
The media has played a pivotal role in manufacturing and maintaining the COVID-19 narrative, acting less as a source of information and more as a propaganda arm for those orchestrating this operation. The constant drumbeat of fear-mongering and selective reporting has been crucial in shaping public perception and compliance.
In “Two Weeks to Flatten the World,” I highlighted this manipulation:
“One of the striking characteristics of the media blitzkrieg surrounding the Covid “pandemic” – or, to be more precise, the reporting of the “pandemic” – is how it so easily resembled the “War on Terror” or indeed, any war, when considered purely in terms of its effect.
Mask wearing became a patriotic duty. “Security theater” became a feature of everyday life. The vast carnage of Covid policies was sloughed off as “collateral damage.”
Lost in the sound and fury of this media bombardment were evidence, observation, and measurement– 3 of the key pillars of science. These were replaced by make-believe forecasts, computer-generated estimates, or other not to be questioned ‘scientific metrics’ that hospitals would be over-run, mortuaries would spill into the streets and crematoriums would run out of fuel disposing of all the bodies.
Even as direct observation and real scientific data showed none of this to be true, the public health apparatus and media juggernaut ensured the public would not be exposed to such heresy.”
Throughout the pandemic, we’ve seen a coordinated effort across all mainstream outlets to push a singular narrative. Dissenting voices were silenced, alternative perspectives were labeled as “misinformation,” and a climate of fear was consistently maintained. This was not journalism, but psychological warfare.
As I noted in “COVID-19: A Universe of Questions In a Time of Universal Deceit“:
“A digital curtain of mass McCarthyite-like censorship descended upon this ‘Brave New World’ of fact-free hysteria. No amount of evidence could slow the propaganda machine which remained in high gear spitting out a non-stop stream of sanctimonious slogans and exaggerated death tallies.”
This media manipulation was instrumental in creating the mass psychosis necessary for the implementation of draconian measures and the restructuring of society. By controlling the narrative, the media shaped public perception, stifled debate, and paved the way for the broader agenda behind the COVID-19 operation.
17. In your writings, you’ve touched on the concept of a “biosecurity state”. What does this term mean to you, and how do you see it being implemented in the wake of COVID-19?
The concept of a “biosecurity state” represents a new paradigm of social control, where public health emergencies- real or manufactured- are used as pretexts for implementing pervasive surveillance, restricting individual freedoms, and centralizing power in the hands of unelected “experts” and global institutions.
In “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation,” I outlined how the pandemic response serves to justify and entrench this biosecurity state:
“The Covid Operation itself covers many objectives: … Justification for and entrenchment of the Bio-Security State, including AI surveillance across multiple sectors of society.”
This biosecurity state is being implemented through various means:
The biosecurity state represents a fusion of public health, technology, and authoritarian control. It’s a system where our biological existence itself becomes subject to constant monitoring and regulation. As I warned in “Two Weeks to Flatten the World“:
“We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that Medical Freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists, or the medical cartel.”
The implementation of the biosecurity state is not about health – it’s about control. It provides the infrastructure for a technocratic system of governance where individual rights are subordinated to the dictates of public health authorities and the interests of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex and those who have their hands on the levers of these industries.
18. You’ve mentioned the impact of lockdowns on public health. Can you discuss the broader societal and psychological effects of these measures?
The lockdowns implemented under the guise of COVID-19 mitigation have had devastating societal and psychological effects, far outweighing any purported benefits. These measures were never about public health, but rather about social control and the disruption of normal human interactions.
In “Two Weeks to Flatten the World,” I highlighted the psychological warfare aspect of these measures:
“To make this appear necessary and acceptable, an intensive full-spectrum psychological assault on our sensibilities was implemented. Covid-19 was hyped as the ‘New Black Death’. We were told by ‘important-looking people’ that millions will die, the entire planet is in danger, a global response is required and everyone must get in line with the program whilst ‘heroes’ and ‘experts’ take charge of this new global war to keep us safe.”
This psychological assault has led to widespread mental health issues, including increased rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. The social isolation imposed by lockdowns has been particularly harmful to children and the elderly, disrupting crucial developmental stages and support systems.
Furthermore, the economic devastation caused by lockdowns has led to increased poverty, food insecurity, and homelessness – all of which have long-term societal impacts. Small businesses have been decimated while large corporations have thrived, accelerating wealth inequality.
The societal fabric has been torn apart by the creation of a two-tier society – the “vaccinated” and the “unvaccinated” – fostering division and mistrust among communities. This manufactured division serves the interests of those seeking to restructure society.
As I noted in “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation“:
“The numerous mandates birthed by the onset of the Covid-19 scenario were all designed to deliberately break the global economy and crush small businesses as well as break people’s minds, will and the social fabric, in order to ‘build back a better society’ that conforms to the dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war.”
The psychological impact of constant fear-mongering, social isolation, and the erosion of basic freedoms will likely be felt for generations. These measures have conditioned people to accept increasingly authoritarian controls and to view their fellow humans as potential biological threats.
In essence, the lockdowns and associated measures have been a form of mass trauma inflicted on society, serving to destabilize existing structures and pave the way for the “new normal” – a managed society under technocratic control.
19. You’ve discussed the financial aspects of the pandemic extensively. How do you see the push for digital currencies and the concept of Universal Basic Income fitting into this narrative?
The push for digital currencies and Universal Basic Income (UBI) are key components of the broader economic restructuring being implemented under the cover of the COVID-19 crisis. These initiatives are not about financial inclusion or social welfare, but about increasing control over the population and furthering the agenda of the global financial elite.
In “COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation,” I highlighted the connection between digital currencies and the pandemic response:
“Expansion of and normalizing the use of digital IDs, including vaccine passports, connecting these to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scrip, allowing for the tracking of purchases; medical interventions, ‘lifestyle choices’, etc. ‘nudging’ us towards ‘desired’ behaviors or shutting us out of the system altogether as they wish.”
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) represent a fundamental shift in the nature of money. Unlike decentralized cryptocurrencies, CBDCs are centrally controlled and can be programmed to allow or restrict certain types of transactions. This gives unprecedented power to governments and central banks to monitor and control individual spending.
The concept of Universal Basic Income, while often presented as a solution to poverty and job displacement, serves several nefarious purposes in this context:
As I noted in “Two Weeks to Flatten the World“:
“The institution of a bio-security police state was birthed according to health authorities and others the power to quarantine someone considered ‘infected’ or simply to have been in contact with a purported ‘case.'”
The integration of digital currencies, UBI, and health passports creates a system of total financial and social control. In this system, your ability to participate in the economy and society could be tied to your health status, your social credit score, or your compliance with whatever mandates are deemed necessary by the authorities.
This financial restructuring is not about improving the lives of ordinary people, but about consolidating power in the hands of a technocratic elite. It’s a crucial part of the “Great Reset” agenda, aiming to create a society where “you’ll own nothing and be happy” – a thinly veiled euphemism for a new form of feudalism.
The COVID-19 crisis has been used to accelerate this agenda, normalizing the idea of digital IDs and creating the infrastructure for a fully controlled digital economy. As we move forward, it’s crucial to recognize and resist these encroachments on financial freedom and privacy.
20. You’ve mentioned the exploitation of the elderly during the pandemic. Can you elaborate on how pension systems and elderly care factor into the broader economic aspects of the COVID-19 operation?
The abuse and neglect of the elderly during the COVID-19 crisis is a particularly sinister aspect of this operation, tied directly to the economic pressures facing pension systems and the broader agenda of wealth transfer and population control. In practice what was done added up to institutional euthanasia as public health policy.
One can see firsthand evidence of these brutalities which occurred in nursing homes by watching the testimony from the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry. The ghastly stories presented throughout that inquiry were not unique to Scotland and the only reason we have such intimate details from Scotland is that to date they are the only nation to launch an honest inquiry into what was happening inside the nursing homes during the Covid-19 crisis.
It’s important to recognize that this wholesale abuse was happening all across the Western World. In May of 2020 Rosemary Frei asked the provocative question in her article titled, “Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?”
In early May of 2020 The UK Column wrote a piece, titled, “Covid-19: the war against the elderly in uncaring “care” homes” documenting nursing home abuses in many countries and regions.
In my analysis of the situation in Northern Italy, which I detailed in “Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero,” I pointed out:
“Terrorizing and isolating elderly people especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-person visits from health and social carers became ‘standard of care.'”
This treatment of the elderly wasn’t just callous neglect – it was part of a calculated strategy. One of the biggest problems facing the financial parasites who currently ‘run the show’ in the US/UK/EU is unfunded liabilities, particularly in pension systems. These systems are essentially broken, and the demographic trends of an aging population make this an increasingly urgent issue for those in power.
The pension system in Europe is completely broken and it has been projected that that system will accrue somewhere around $70 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years with the current level of pensioners. The US pension system is projected to be completely broken by 2027.
The COVID-19 operation provided a convenient way to address this issue. By implementing policies that disproportionately affected the elderly – such as sending COVID-positive patients into nursing homes, isolating the elderly from family and care, and prioritizing COVID treatment over other health needs – those in power effectively culled a significant portion of the pension-drawing population.
Furthermore, the fear generated by the pandemic narrative has been used to justify cuts to services for the elderly and to normalize lower standards of care. This fits into the broader economic restructuring agenda, where public services are being systematically dismantled and privatized.
The treatment of the elderly during this crisis also serves as a form of psychological warfare on the rest of the population. By demonstrating that even the most vulnerable members of society can be sacrificed for economic expediency, it sends a chilling message about the value placed on human life by those in power.
Anyone who thinks the power brokers at the top of the financial systems don’t look at this and understand the dire problems this poses for their financial empires is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that these parasites won’t do ‘whatever it takes’ to maintain that system and their power is naive.
In essence, the exploitation of the elderly during the COVID-19 crisis is not an unfortunate side effect, but a deliberate strategy to address pension liabilities, reduce the care burden on the state, and further the agenda of population control and economic restructuring. It’s a stark example of how financial considerations are prioritized over human life and dignity in the current system.
21. Do you have any closing thoughts?
The urgent message that we must take from these past four years is that we are under sustained psychological warfare and have been for quite some time. Though the story of the mythical covid virus is over, the sorcery that created it has not been exorcized.
People must stop ceding ground to fascists by reifying the Big Lie that “Covid” is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic. There is not now and never has been a “pandemic”- that is all Kabuki theater to disguise the reality of the rapid economic decline brought on by the Ponzi Schemes of financial institutions over the past few decades.
While the Covid propaganda has largely vanished it is imperative we keep the mountain of lies under scrutiny and continue unveiling the massive corruption that defines the “Covid Era.” This is the only path towards justice and is necessary to defend against future episodes of “pandemic” hysteria.
This story is not finished until the individuals and institutions that deceived the public, destroyed millions of lives and censored and persecuted dissenting voices over the past four years are publicly held accountable.
We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that medical freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists, or the medical cartel. Nothing has been won until the ideology that the state controls our bodily autonomy has been thoroughly repudiated.